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Everything posted by FZR AL

  1. here's me John (Blackhat), Paul (Old Git,) and my KH400 Blackhat and his mate Andrew The only other 2 stroke Yamhaha , apart from pauls we saw all weekend
  2. just got back myself john about 2hrs ago, just been on the triples site and a lad as post some pictures and a video, look out at time of 105 old git (paul trying out the kh400 for size , http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDSOYiiCI4c had a cracking weekend , weather not a bad as it was going to be , got piss wet through on the long ride out , and one of my float valve is stuck on the carbs so it was pissing out with fuel, paul got a bit pissed on saturday night,only noticed when we walked back in to the bar and paul statted doing a side step manovere while trying to walk forwards. good news for paul though is we managed to squeeze is Yam in the van it was tight but we did it ! and my mate banjo who lives in rotherham is going to take him all the way home after he dropped me off in leeds got a belter of a photo of me John,and Paul, which can post later, and i will link some video's of the ride out of the triples if anyone want to see them, it would be nice to see some more yams there next year though, 2 stroke that is, and pauls up for it next year cheers al i think there was 40 triples on saturday morning on the ride out ,it was great to see the air blue with 2 stroke,and people were turning round thinking what the hell is that racket
  3. looking at this forecast we are ok for Friday, its the ride out on saturday what bothers me not going to be much fun if its pissing it down but it says only light showers Myhttp://uk.weather.com/weather/10day-Blackpool-UKXX0019 link
  4. FZR AL replied to mervin's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I might ask if you win , if you could go and pick them up I mean pick it up
  5. FZR AL replied to Batasquad's post in a topic in Naked
    if you click onto the link http://fzronline.com/wiki/doku.php you will find that some FZR owners use a R6 set up
  6. FZR AL replied to blackhat250's post in a topic in Classics
    looking good there john, will it be ready for squires
  7. FZR AL replied to drewpy's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Drewps , just started watching it myself , funny as hell so i will be a regular watching it
  8. FZR AL replied to cheerfulgrin's post in a topic in Naked
    speak to Mal at bike colours he will sort you out http://www.bikecolours.com/
  9. you need to flat it back first then apply your lacquer then apply your stripes if not it could pull you blue paint off, then flat back again ,then top coat of lacquerill be was, then polish make sure you use petrol resistant lacquer or all your time and effort will be wasted the first time you drop a little petrol over the tank when filling up when applying your stripes, that's if your not painting them (its difficult to stop them from bleeding mate) , use soapy water not a lot but this will help you to move the stripe around until your happy, the use some sort of squeegy to make sure all the air is out and it is firmly pressed onto the tank this is easier than painting them on
  10. sounds like it's seized to me, keep using the sea foam or ACF50 and keep using the kick start little by little , once it is unseized if you get that far does not mean your troubles are over
  11. FZR AL replied to red-butcher's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    добро пожаловать к oleg YOC,
  12. FZR AL replied to vic-fzr600's post in a topic in The Bar
    +1 on the tax disc one , but it will only show you what date it was registered and whether it been taxed latley oh and the colour at present and cc model, manufacturer,
  13. I have not ventured into the garage for 2 months now the bikes have not been started for 3 months, I always take my batterys of for the winter and put them in the cellar , it is heated but not much but it does not go below zero, there is power down there as well so I put them all on the optimate one at a time until fully charged last week . this weekend I thought right lets have a go and see which one we can get running, I put the battery on the old FZR turned the key and all the lights lit up and I could hear the fuel pump whirr away, oil light out now and pressed the button, starter motor cranking no pop or bang , then again same thing , then again and a pop and bang, then again and bang she's off on all four , hooray ! four hits of the button and shes running , down with the choke and its purring like a kitten and nice throttle response to go with it, its 3 month old fuel with no additives in (fuel preserver), when its up to running temperature i snick into gear only for it to die , hit the button and it fires up but same thing again i adjust the clutch cable a smidge and i can pull it out of the garage , I know its not the side stand as i have had it in bits and cleaned up . now the kwak two stroke triple , key in iggy light on ,kick ,kick ,kick ,kick not a peep , 10 mins later and totally knackerd with trying to kick it up it eventually fires up on 2 cylinders, left and middle but no right , i cant be arsed , and go for a quick spin on the Fizzer brill its nice to be back on two wheels
  14. FZR AL replied to idham_bee's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome to the YOC
  15. FZR AL replied to bogeyman's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    if its not the side stand switch, it will probally that the clutch needs some minor adjustment. oh and welcome to the YOC
  16. FZR AL replied to mike592's post in a topic in General
    when you say cleaned the carb did you clean out the jets, I will say 9 times out of 10 its the carbs that is the issue , check your throttle cable that its as nice free movement , carb slide etc all move freely,then move onto the carb, check your main jet, the pilot seems ok if it's ticking over fine, it seems from what you say that its got to be the main jet as when you open up the throttle and the carb is going from pilot to main jet or one other thing to check is the fuel height on your carb float is too low so not letting enough fuel into the bowl. have you a manual for air intake screw settings TIP I always use a strand from a wire brush which is small enough to get it the small holes and it wont do any damage to the jet ,
  17. Welcome from me too
  18. FZR AL replied to MrCardboardDave's post in a topic in The Bar
    Happy birthday Up Yours have a good one Kev
  19. FZR AL replied to Lloydi's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    It wont slightly void your insurance , IT WILL void your insurance, what sort of speeds are you getting upto on your DT, max on your liecense is 62.5mph, the maximum BHP allowed on your liecence is 14.6bhp im not sure what the restriction is on your dt but it there for a reason you could change the sprockets but then you would loose the bottom grunt for a few MPH top end , getting your test passed A2 would be the easiest option then your upto 33 bhp
  20. FZR AL replied to bobbyb's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Welcome Bobby , you have some nice bikes there, get some piccys up as we are all nosey round here, RD400 lovely, 69 H1 Mmmm yummy.scallop tank? i bet its white
  21. FZR AL replied to Dachsi's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    informieren Sie uns Sie Probleme, wir kann noch in der Lage sein, Ihnen zu helfen Willkommen zum YOC
  22. The woman who hit the biker , wasnt paying that much attention at all, as i didnt even hear the brakes screeching,good thing really , if you hear the screeching your muscles tend to stiffen up ready for the impact, but that's what exactly happened to me 2 years ago , I didn't land on my feet though , but made a nice dent in the car bonnet of the driver who hit me. couldnt understand the guy's /lady( looking at them boots) is not saying anything to the woman , I cursed with many expletives when I got to my feet at the bloke who hit me. one twisted frame, bents forks, and most of the plastic cracked or smashed sent my GPZ 600 r to scrap yard heaven
  23. FZR AL replied to idc1967's post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    welcome Ian , yeah get some pics up off that TTR
  24. FZR AL replied to r3reachme's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I have known brand new batterys with full charge , still not producing enough juice to turn the starter over , Im with Ttaskmaster though check your leads ,
  25. Dave we tend to like a proper introduction round here or else you get the drewps treatment but here you go My lihttp://www.wemoto.com/bikes/Yamaha/XJ_600_S_Diversion/92-95/picture/Piston_Seal_and_Dust_Seal_Rear_Brake/nk