Everything posted by JYA12R
Advanced Rider Training
Gas Up, We can't even get our riders to protect their lifestyle by wearing helments, let alone instruct them in how to ride more proficiently.... My first and only exam was in 1967 on a 150 Honda Dream.... They (the State)only wanted to know if I could start, stop, shift and maintain balance in the slalom of cones...
She'll be waiting in Kingston town
I refuse to comment until Foamy's seen the pic.....
Back to the Yammys!
That's some real muscle.......
biketek heated inner jackets
WAKE UP!!!!!!
think when your driving or riding dont be a tit
deffo an eye opener and makes you think about the result of you drivign or riding like a tit Yeah, and hard to watch.....
biketek heated inner jackets
Also don't use all caps its poor netiquette, It's the on-line equivalent of shouting Forgive him Vez, He's from Texas..... The rest of us here are just jealous
biketek heated inner jackets
you dont have to agree with me. As we mature.....alot of people agree with us... Queen said it best "move out of my way" I crack myself up
yamaha drag star 125 won't start again
Sounds great! (Post #1) The problem was I only started it to check the engine and didnt ride it all those times. Sounds familiar...
- wrong side of the bed
Scottish bike show
It would be lovely I'm sure, but would probably be over before I got there.....so sorry
lowering yzf r125??
Those might require "forward controls".........
new member
Welcome from the US....
earth wire
To methodical, but when I didn't have a manual I had to ask....
- Heyyy
- here's my cruiser
DT125R 03 Cutting out...
You're just like honey to flies OG.....
Train Horns,
Just remember there is probably some vibration when those jewels go off that could lead to indiscriminate horn blowing just for the thrillllllllll
dogman eats his dinner
Yes it is, Sorry, I'm still laughing, my sides hurt.... He had a little problem with right of way and a chevy truck. The truck won and he ended up with no feeling in his toes on the left rear. We later had to take it off. He is a great pup we rescued him 8 years ago and he goes with me about everywhere. Darn thing though he wont ride the bike... .. He boats, flys, and went with me on the big truck for a while.
dogman eats his dinner
My pup thought it was funny, licked his chops the whole time.....
'82 Maxim Pod Filter and Carb Jet Size
HEY! Wondered how you were doing, keep us updated with your pics and vids....Rick
New from Alabama
Still have a lighting issue to address (rear blinkers) but, otherwise she's ready to ride. Guess she will see the Dragon then this spring, summer, fall....eh?
brake rod adjusting pin
So how are we doing on this inquire?
winter olympics
I agree, it is a sport, not life and death...but some see it as as close to sex and they can get.... And, all times would be fairly equal as all would compete on the same course. I would want to draw an earlier time just in case the gritt was worn down due to friction, see above
- BBQ rules