Everything posted by root
SR125 just died on me. Please Help
You should get a SR125 Haynes manual for about £15 which will tell you the basics, but it is not gospel & as it will tell you to use 20w40 when you want 10w40 motorbike oil (dont use auto oil) . Also change oil earlier than it tells you instead of say 2k do it at 1500 miles , These little bikes are noted for top end failures ( look on ebah, loads of bottom end dead cheap these are bullet proof & the odd head top whack these are not ) & its mainly down to neglect of, regular oil & filter change/valve clearances/cam chain tensioner/air filter cleaning & renewal of camchain when its due .looked after 50k plus is not unheard of but, Its not worth guessing things & overfilling with oil as well as underfilling will fkitup, 1 litre is ok after a good drain (engine hot) ,look at the window with bike upright on its wheels after it has settled down & have it between the marks , check regular & it should get you twerk & back for many a day .......... R
SR125 just died on me. Please Help
Flat or Dead battery , blown fuse ?? & riding with no oil your lucky only going 2 miles, Sr 125 not the best bike to practice this daring fete on I have heard of them being damaged somewhat when running with a dry sump ? This may of course be an old Goab tale though
Word Association Thread
Yamaha SR125 Crush Washer
Ignore that air filter link it is not what you want , the air filter is just a square sponge type you'll find it behind one of the side pannels if its ok & no holes or damage just wash out with petrol/ white spirit or similar let dry soak in fresh oil & squeeze out the excess to leave damp the air filters if you need one are £6 on ebay that you will prob have to cut to size .
Yamaha SR125 Crush Washer
I dont think mine had a washer can't remember ? but if so you can always drain the oil & mormaly reuse washer a few times & take note of it for next time .
Lost numberplate
Well I phoned police enquiries & asked if I should report it & they said it was best to do so to get a ref no incase anyone dodgy finds the plate & commits any offences using it at least It will be logged with them as lost, plus it is also on the records at the bike shop as me buying a new plate .
Lost numberplate
Hi I went for a short run out today visiting friends about 30 miles round trip all was well bike running good, lovely weather pulled into the drive back at home looked at bike no numberplate or metal bracket, I could have sworn it was on secure but as the bike was never out of my sight I can only assume it just fell off & for xx amount of miles i'm riding without & I am wondering how would I stand if i'd been pulled any excuses or is there a fixed penalty ?
Yamaha Townmate Oil Change
Hi , It definately does have an air filter so I suggest you do get a Haynes manual . I think the oil filter is behind your sump plug ? not sure so you should find that when you drain it? ( do this with engine hot ) . The air filter is behind one of the side pannels can't remember which side though ,if its in good nick wash carefuly with petrol or white spirit etc ,let it dry then soak in engine oil & squeeze out the excess & just leave damp ,I hope this helps but get manual its 20 year old so you will def need one to keep it running right valve clearances etc etc etc .
1987 tzr 125
HI, It sounds like you battery has had it ?
oil seals sr125
Hi you shoul'd be able to get fork oil seals from any general bike parts shop the dust seals are a bit harder to come by & can be bought from Gramby Motors or Fowlers about £15 a pair
side stand problem
HI if I was you i would take it back off & start again because somwhere along the line it looks like you have put it back together wrong .maybe just have a washer fitted in wrong order ?
norton 360 antivirus software
You could try Microsoft security essentials free for windows XP Vista & W 7 . I have I have been using since October on Win 7 on a multiboot pc . I have Kaspersky on vista & it uses loads of memory but i payed for it before I installed 7 so will use it till it runs out out . When I reboot & run 7 with M.S.E it uses very little memory & ive had no probs with it & seems very secure & its free so when kaspersky ends ill use it on vista as well sod paying for em again , Ive had trouble with norton & a few more .
Dripping on the chain
AYE Blackhat when I was last up in Bonny Scotland 10ish years ago ,working near & stopping in Campbeltown it was still like it then no locals had any jobs only them on the side with us blasting on a hidro pipe & I think all the lasses worked at a fish factory not many fatties but a few scaley ones ,pissed up every night big style with them boys & I Could drink then but fkinnell they were experts & riding around the harbour 3 up on a placky 50 held together with vomit & the only tools they had for breakdowns were bowie knives but they were good to us very friendly especially Birdseye Betty the finger tester & a lad called Jock I think that might have been his name but have been pissed a lot since then .I'll be fkin glad when the weathers better as will all you I bet reading this shit cabinned up I managed about 40 miles in total last week my heads a fkin shed
Dripping on the chain
When I was a youth in the early 70s you could strip & rebuild a bike down with a lump hammer a pair of pliers & a tin opener , sometimes if lucky had enough bits left over to make a spare engine , if we needed a vice we used to get this big fat lass ( yes there was only one to a village in them days not 80% like now)tie her hands behind her back stand her in a bucket & rivet a mars bar to her knees she'd bend over for hours with a con rod up her ass till job done , but the mars bars tasted bit sweaty! Also a thing that is not practiced today is retreading worn tyres with melted wellies with various designs of spud bashers for the tread we used lard or margarine for grease ( the posh scooter boys used butter )& boiled the chain in dripping . If we needed any head gaskets we'd use well worn knicker gussets off the local slappers ( good for about 50 thou miles ) but had to use burning tackle to cut to shape . But we were poor & the smokers around our area were 1 stroke . They dont know the old arts these days , DO YOU ?
fzr600 genesis front brake light issue
Hi you could try a multi meter or circuit tester on 2 wires a time (from the switch )to see when your circuits are open & closed when using the lever , because thats all the switch is ,then connect the righ ones . I cant understand why there are 4 wires though were there any joined ?
wrf 250
HI snow chains & Micky mouse ears on your lid
Hi & welcome I concur no way should they leak I think mechanic is a cowboy telling you its normal & the stiffness you are feeling sounds like he's overfilled the forks & this may be forcing the oil out causing the leak ?
Hi I concur no way should they leak I think mechanic is a cowboy telling you its normal & the stiffness you are feeling sounds like he's overfilled the forks & this may be forcing the oil out causing the leak ?
pistonkit yamaha tzr 125 2RH
Points Tik is piston kit forged hope this shlep ouyr comewel You will find piston kits for about £30 on ebay for tzr 125
Car bonnet gouge
We didn't have chance to get details he was off in a flash but have names & adds off witnesses one took his number police not informed , no damage to us or bike at all he only nudged us over stopped bike hitting deck with legs & when someone pulls out on you on a roundabout & hits you side on I dont think they could argue that in court plus he didnt have time to get my number to busy fleeing .
Car bonnet gouge
Yeh got reg my mate said that, I want to find out if it was his car cos the cunt was was smirkin like fk when we just stood bike up then the adrenalin kicked in & he had to have some
Car bonnet gouge
Lo Yam all!! I was on a small roundabout with a mate on the back in my town centre when a blind bastard in a flash black motor pulled out from the left & hit us dead centre , luckyly it just shunted us over no damage so we righted the bike leant it right on his fuckin shiney bonnet & I gave it some nice banana scrapes with the bar & clutch lever. The cunt in the car about 20 with a bit of skirt probably posing to her & not watching the road went fuckin white , by now all the peeps where gathering & laffin @ him & saying they saw it was his fault, So then as we move the bike foreward the wanker just revved up & fukt off ! So im thinking now I bet that was I hope his dads fuckin car or better his bosses ? Bet he's got a nice paint job bill for that afternoons pose & the way his bird looked bet he dint get his leg over , Maybe his bottom spanked if daddy's car tee hee !
DT 125r oil burning
Well it sounds to me like your losing your oil directly from gearbox through the sprocket seal , By all means clean exhaust as previously described (caustic soda) this may sort smoke out but not oil loss , so I think you nead a new sprocket seal to stop this !
TZR 50 Overheating and Dying when still
Could it be geting to much oil ? this can cause both check if plug is black & oily & check oil delivery
Dreaded snapped stud SR 125 exhaust
THANK You guys these are all great great solutions & will all work one way or another but as I said I soaked it for a few days used the heat & got a good purchase with the vice grips I dont think I would get any more torque with ez extractor & it was going nowhere , The same with nut welding on a 5mil stud if it snaps again flush there will be nothing to grab hold of after drilling plus I can't weld ! Also if it has bottomed wich I think it has there is the added friction of the stud end against the bottom of the thread well so ive found out its better to refit with a washer to stop this happenimg again & copper grease , So ive ordered cobalt drills & going with that I think I may take the lump out & do it on the bench but not taking the head off I dont like to disturb them + gasket prices ! These tips will help more than me out & are greatly recieved will let you know how I make out wish me luck & cheers again root