Everything posted by andy2
yamaha DTR 125 52Plate hotwire probs
i have a little dtr 125 (witch on the subject of hot wireing ... yes i do legaly own) ... how ever it was stolen a while back in febuary and the ignition was forced (with no success) then the wires going into the ignition were cut (guess to hotwire) but novice yobs should stick to push bikes as they where unsucessfull how ever once the bike had been recoverd i did set out to replace the whole ignition system but over time ive decided to hotwire the bike myself and use it for work (being secure at home and secure in work) hotwiring wouldnt be a problem so long story short ... wot wires do i connect to hotwire the bike ??? i understand if i get no responce to this topic as it does look a bit dodgey to me lol god dam bike thiefs
dtr 125 seat prob
nah its a weird set up ... the tw bolt on seat went straight up ... the dtr125 is 2 stupid lugs
dtr 125 seat prob
wow your so smart ... i would never of thought of that 1 ... the question was "where is the 2 bolts"
DT 125 exhaust
i am no expert but id say no lol you wanna go up on size ... let the engine breath with a bigger exhaust but you'll need to up the idle time coz ther is less back pressure even little things like remove the baffels ... but that will attract the rozzers lol
Yamaha DT 125 running great then bogging out
strange ... what was the spark plug like ??? sooty ??? oily ??? i would say its a job for a proper mechanic also might be gettin choked up ... check your airbox
tw125 spark problems
had a similar problem with my 1999 tw125 i changed the started soilinoid £40 down the drain but then checked my battery and the earth side had a bad connection ... to bad to recover and a new battery sorted it all out common sence is the way to go start with the cheapest sollution
Need Urgent Help fixing up DT125R 2000 plate
i have a dtr 125 2002 model and all is well i could find the same place and parts where you took the pic and take one of mine to you can link A to B ... plus if you have u torrent on your PC or anyother torrent downloading program you should get a manual from www.torrentpond.com
Handlebar lock/stops yzf600
my kawazaki zx5r is the same ... grow smaller thumbs lol
Moped steering bent
it shouldnt matter ... if someone hits you ... you on the bike or not you should have their insureance info and they will pay for damages ... quite simple that you dont pay a penny
yamaha keys
genuine yamaha stuff probebly ... goto local yamaha dealer ... might cost a bit tho
i went from a honda shadow 125c roughly £300 a year fully comp at 20 to insureing a the same honda and a kawazaki ZX6R ninka 1996 for about £450 a year quite good i must say wen a car quote for a 1.1 corsa was £1200 lol ... dont worry the honda shadow has been recently sold for a yamaha DTR 125 to get me through winter moral of the story is ... keep your 125 and insure it 1st then your bigger bike it SHOULD work out cheaper i dono why tho
Problems with keeping it up
man this thread is one of the best out there lol
dtr 125 seat prob
ok so i dont have a big attention span and on my TW125 it was right there... but i cant figure out how to take the seat off ... as i said with my tw it was 2 bolts on the underside of the seat (quite annoying) why why why do 125's need to have bolt on seats and be so annoying to remove, ok with a 125 your only under the seat to fix stuff but cmon wut happens if your out on the road and tools are limited lol an e-mail would be nice cmon the yamahas Edit: Please dont post your contact details in the forum Thanks... Goff x