Everything posted by XTreme
Winter Riding!
It's a bummer! So what's it like back there in the UK then?
Returning to the Fold
Hi Ted.....good to see you!
Full Throttle?
4 years after the punchline I get some recognition!
new kid on the block
Where you living Goon? With that name it has to be Carediff!
- howdy
- Lest We Forget!
Just thought i would say howdy
Good to see you Mark!
just like to say hi
Where you from Andrew?
Hey, wheres England?
There was a glitch somewhere....all rectified now! So all you Hooray Henry's got your flag back!
Hello, new Bulldog in the yard
Just to let you know the glitch in the flag selection menu is now sorted!
For Whom the Bell Tolls!
Bottom line is if he pisses with the management he gets the red card! He'd have had it sooner if I'd seen his mindless shite!
For Whom the Bell Tolls!
And this time it's Peabody! After persistently hurling Pro Yank anti Brit racist slurs all around the board.....he then did the same to one of the moderators via PM. Consequently he has now left the building for good! As an aside, I've been very busy with work commitments lately and haven't had the time to watch developments on here as closely as is necessary. From now on things will change......and the trash will be thrown out on a much more regular basis! If any more dickheads appear just PM a Mod!
- Hi All
Just so you all know.....
.....this is the best original condition TDM850 in the world! I have been known to give it a wipe over with an old rag from time to time!
Apparently he finally came out of the closet about his homosexuality Mervin. Now living in Thailand with one of those ladyboy thingys!
how long does dwai stay on your record in New York State
Think the Yanks will be first in line Geoff!
how long does dwai stay on your record in New York State
Driving Without Any Intelligence?
Empty roads
Think you've pulled Andy!
If you're into Rock....
Wise words from the stupid boy on the gay Honda! When you getting yourself a bloody Yamaha Tom?
- Finally
Got out at last!
No probs Moz! Just keep me posted on it! Incidentally, it was two years ago tomorrow that we arrived in Spain! Time flies!
If you're into Rock....
The Cocksucking Busboy is in the house! Get back over to Twat Central or I'll ban your sad ass from here!
Got out at last!
Keef left a long time ago, Alan about a year ago (fell in love), Bazz earlier this year, Alex.....well we saw more of him when he was in Australia! Now it's only me and Scott here on a daily basis.....but even our patience is wearing thin with some of these stupid questions we get from fucking bellends!
If you're into Rock....
Got it in one Mick! Fuck knows how all these bedwetters got into biking!
Got out at last!
He drops in every few months Moz! Still bikeless! And gay! Alan and Bazz have gone.....basically down to me and the Hillbilly now!