Everything posted by jont
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Not for the weak hearted! http://safeshare.tv/w/KkkEFRtyiS
Attention Dragstar XVS 125 Owners/Fans/Potential Buyers
"Are you sure she's fully inflated?" LOL! I'm 5'9'' and find my Draggie a joy to ride.The only problem I have is pain in my arthritic shoulder,a result of age, rather than physics I suspect!
Do you Wear a poppy ??
Very moving,Drewpy. Thanks.
- Do you Wear a poppy ??
I served someone famous today!
My claim to fame is having a slash in the paddock toilets and passing the time of day with Mike Hailwood at Oulton Park in the 60's!!
my youtube channel
I have a short attention span and tend not to watch vids of longer than about 3 minutes! (unless it's an exceptionally interesting one!)
Thundersprint 2014
After what I've been was a less than successful Thundersprint on Anglesey, the 2014 event is to be held at Darley Moor in May. Once again a racing circuit with no nearby towns as in Northwich. Obviously more convenient for North West fans but will it be as good as it used to be? What do you think??
Northwich Event
Some of you in the North West may be interested in this. Every year the local rugby club organise a festival which is very well organised and appears to get better each year. This year, following our loss of the Thundersprint, they have added a motorcycle show to the Bank Holiday weekend attractions. They were going to have a three lap cavalcade of the town, but apparently got a letter claiming intellectual property rights on this and have had to cancel it. Further info is available at www.northwich-festival.co.uk
Did anyone do something interesting today
I rode off to a local scooter Rally!! Well, a mate was helping organise it! Actually, there was a great atmosphere an a friendly crowd of 6 to 8 hundred. Some excellent paint jobs there as well. Now that should come pretty close to the exploding boat for taking chances?!
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Biffo Jollyfuck at your service!
Motorhead vs Hitler
The Motorhead one....totally brilliant!!!!!
brazillian lift prank
Wow! How sick can you get. Anyone with a weak heart could get into serious difficulties. I'm afraid I wouldn't be a 'good sport', I'd give the twats a slap!
Thundersprint 2013
The organiser hadn't approached Cheshire West to ask about his grant. They appeared to have been wondering where he'd got to! It's probable that in the near future the current little circuit will no longer be available due to developement in the town, although I'm sure the council would have tried very hard to find an alternative site. I would have thought that "Three Sisters" would have made a better choice of venue, and would have done a good deal. I'm going to see if Northwich can't organise some sort of Rally on the back of the Thundersprint to capitalise on the popularity of the town amongst the biker community.
Thundersprint 2013
'fraid so! Loads of comments on the Northwich Guardian website. I think Mr Melling has shot himself in the foot with this move. Northwich loved having all the bikers on their annual visit. The event had good support from Cheshire West and the town council (unusually!) and it was Policed in a very laid back way. Never any problems over the weekends and a credit to biking.
Thundersprint 2013
Sorry to say (from a resident's point of view) that next years T/sprint will be held at the Anglesey Racing Circuit. The entrance fee for spectators has gone up from 'FREE' to £10 !
skateboarding girls
You're right,Drewps, strangely compelling indeed! That Tiffany's very good at it, I look forward to wagering a shilling or two on her in the next competition!
- Country/regional threads?
The Joke page
First week of the Olympics and the Romanians have taken gold, silver, bronze, copper, lead, and anything else they can get their f**kin' hands on........
I found a successful way of giving up 12 years ago!. After over 40 years of more or less constantly smoking 40 a day, I had a heart attack! Waiting for the ambulance I made a point of putting my fags and lighter in my pocket! To cut a long story short, before they released me from hospital I was shown what damage had been done to my heart and then told me that some of the drugs I was being given were to thin my blood to lessen the chances of a repeat performance. They also told me that smoking had the opposite effect! Now, I'm not the most strong willed of men, but I stopped. Many a time now, I still fancy a smoke and love having a sniff of somebody's fags. It's like having a motorbike from when you are young, it never really goes away! Good luck anyway!!
Sorry I missed you, Drewpy! I wandered round the paddock, but couldn't find you, my eyes must be worse than I thought. Hope you had a good day in all the sunshine!
As drewps beat me to it with an ad for this year's Thundersprint (!!), here's one for another event in the Northwich area! J&S Accessories are opening what they describe as the biggest clothing and accessory shop in the country on the weekend of 21/22 April. I can believe it, because it's on the former site of Harringtons Caravans at Delamere. All sorts going on, should be a good get together. For more info...www.jsaccessories.co.uk/oakmere
XVS 950 A Manufacturer replacement parts
A J Sutton, mate http://www.yamahamot...clespares.co.uk (not cheap, mind!)
xvs650 dragstar where's my hose?
I must have a de-luxe model or something, as mine's got one! I've pulled it off many a time (oo-err ) Is the short metal pipe there?
Click of death !?!?! (starter Relay)
Most probably a bad battery or starter motor connection. Could also be caused by a low battery.
VIN Number XVS650
Thanks very much for that, Bulldog. Now I come to think of it, all the info I was getting was from the US. Cheers mate!