Everything posted by up.yours
Y'arrr, booty!
Theirs a song about that ! It goes I am failing iii am failing .
Clearing 2-stroke exhaust of Oil
Right then ! Now you have done that, keep riding it flatout and you shouldn't have anymore trouble with it.
road wizzards bike show
Glad you got out lads. We're them midgets biting like the time you went there with me.
road wizzards bike show
Sorry Andy I've booked a day at the rifle range with some mates all day tomorrow or I would have had a ride out with you. The weather is looking bright so have a good day mate.
Name for my DT
Boring eh ! How about Twating thing. Hi I'm kev how are you
DT250MX Oil Delivery Sytem
Yes and yes. I'm right about this pump , it would have been unreliable. See what you started ravies , I hope you have your answer now.
DT250MX Oil Delivery Sytem
I thought replacing the o rings would have been considered a rebuild. I can pump oil through the whole system using a syringe .
DT250MX Oil Delivery Sytem
I have also ridden two strokes along time (im older than you) back in my youth I road a jawa 350 for 19,000 miles on the same piston and bore quite often with a side car on it ,over a four year period, and sold the bike on to a mate who had it for a further two years on the same pistons before he planted it into the side of a Cortina and wrote it off. this was pre mix only as it didn't come with a pump. , the only difference with the jawa was I used to mix the correct amount of oil to fuel ratio as laid down in the owners manual. surely if this bike was getting the wrong amount of fuel the engine would have collapsed either on the motor way down to brighton or on it's merry way with fully loaded side car on it's way to the kent custom show. I even tracked it a couple of times (total humiliation) that was fun . anyway cleaver dick, next year when we go to squires you can take a look at my pump and tell me why it's "FAILING" to pump oil into the carbs. could you just imagine what would have happened if I had just filled the tank and rode off relying on these ultra reliable oil pumps im not having a go "honest"
DT250MX Oil Delivery Sytem
yes john ,amazing in the fact it has been pulling my bulk (19-20 stone) around for the past 7 years . tony , I was almost swayed into switching back to my pump by your comments. so today as it is my day off I set about removing the oil tank and pipe work to give a good clean before re-filling with oil (EXOL fully synthetic racing oil) started the bike up but no oil came out so I gave it a good blow job to see if that would force some through , no joy there so I changed the pipes for some fresh pipe and replaced the O rings just in case it was sucking in air. still no joy , so then I decided to inject oil manually through the system then kick her up , but still no oil other than the what I had pumped up there myself. so then I left the bike running on tick over for fifteen mins to see if that would work . then decided bugger it I must be right.
Clearing 2-stroke exhaust of Oil
bootz1 take a leaf out of my book and rag the bollocks off it till it clears up , but don't get caught . speaking of which , I got caught not wearing my seatbelt the other day and issued with a £30 fine . my excuse of riding a bike and not being used to putting it on didn't wash with them.
DT250MX Oil Delivery Sytem
first off , respect YPVSTony. good response. but with respect I stand by pre-mix , I have heard of pipe blockages, pipes falling off and diaphragm failure all leading to engine seizure. I don't know of any other rdlc using the oil pump with nineteen year old pistons, still in good condition as are mine. as far as practical goes , I have a 350ml pop bottle under the seat with silkolen comp 2 off road t2 oil in it, this is my routine 1. run tank to reserve ,look for garage. 2. enter garage, empty pop bottle into tank 3. put fuel into tank (about 10-13 litres ) 4. once you have paid for your fuel the speed hump on the way out of the garage mixes the fuel/oil for you. job done , totally practical
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
Pasty and Peas Bike night
Eaten by midgets tonight. They nearly ate my pasty before I got my hands on it.. Good turn out though . But the nights are closing in .
DT250MX Oil Delivery Sytem
oh no , here we go again !!! Go for it ravies , pre mix is more reliable Why do you think all the racing bikes do it. lots of two strokes are in the grave yards due to pump failure . If you pre mix you know it's in !!! Don't you. Mine has never had a rebuild and is still going strong on a 19 year old set of pistons.
Clearing 2-stroke exhaust of Oil
I beg once again to differ Jason . Using my own bike in defence.
Pasty and Peas Bike night
Going after work for my tea . Then who knows where I may go... Probably over the peaks of Bolton.
Clearing 2-stroke exhaust of Oil
pre mixing is the answer, I have never had to clean my baffles in the seven years I have had the bike, and nether did my mate in the twelve years he owned it. although some people like there bikes smoking and oiling up all the time so the choice is yours.
Distinguished Gentlemans Ride
Yea , more like extinguished.
Distinguished Gentlemans Ride
Ha ha that's john
Pasty and Peas Bike night
Cheers Jimmy their from my phone. Did you go this Thursday Andy. You could have had a romp over the moors with me if you would have text me I was only round the corner at the shooting range.
Thunderace project taking shape!
Oh no, I've started something now. I'm sorry Paul. But to be fare it does Give it character.
No Doubt about it
Nah , he's just cross with you .
what happens on the island, stays on the island
it will take you ages to clean them up with photo shop . andy..
Squires 2015
fist off is murph with mellow yellow on arrival then arriving in seaways these rd's put mine to shame , but I didn't put mine away and spend the next two days cleaning it here's part of the YOC arriving at scarborough andy paul and tommy coppering up for a bag of chips between them finnerz and blackhat thought that was the one they would get. and finally who remembers these beauties on the beach
Pasty and Peas Bike night
the Bolton peak distric in all its glory with steve coming at me the long twisty roads and the pennine moors , from here onward to the mosely arms for refreshments. this made me chuckle MELLOW YELLOW . at the pasty pea ride.