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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. i got through out of our local pool , the letter S had fallen off my speedo's
  2. IT'S FECKIN SNOWING IN BOLTON i booked the week off last week , we were on the beach? WTF is going on, i think it's something to do with newman , the tigh whad don't want to part with his money.
  3. if we play play our cards right we could be on for a bun aswell drewpy
  4. £81 to fill a 125cc draggy, you been bum fucked mate
  5. mines fucked, so i can't. but i would if i could
  6. normaly i would , but last year this event was well policed so i shit out. next one im at will be the thunder sprint . im not missing that one.
  7. i think it's just a smoke screen by the goverment to hide the fact they have once again hiked the price of fuel up. people are more concerned about running out of fuel than paying the extra cost, goverment 1 jo public 0..
  8. what a compleat feckin arse? just been down to the post office to tax my bike ,with my insurance details, and everything exept the insurance certificate is their. back home on the phone , my brokers said, sorry we can't do nothing till monday the company is shut over the weekend. feck feck feckity feck.
  9. like me andy, all deppends on the weather.
  10. out of all the people that got interviewed on telly, i didn't hear one person say im topping it up because im a twat?
  11. i have a mirrow visor on my rsr2 shark it doen't mention day light use though,? it has FOR OFF ROAD USE ONLY. on my every day skidlid i just have the clear visor, if the sun is low i keep my head down(don't try it) and squint. if you get one the seller will most likely tell you they are for off road use only , and you know my motto ? don't get caught , then it won't matter.
  12. it's a must see event, this sunday from 10 till 5 ish . google it if you want more detail, but let me tell you this, you can enter the padocks and watch them tuning and fiddling there machines b4 the races start, and get an up close look at some real classics, theirs side car sprint modern stuff ,and a whole lot more. so iff you have nowt better on, get down there, it's about £5-£8 im not to sure. bring the family.
  13. i have very rattly brakes, leave them alone , that way you know they are free. i have heard some people use a piece of cardboard to shim them.
  14. metzeler are good. use a 100watt bulb for extra brightness , (don't get caught) wring it's neck everywhere you go.(don't get caught) bar ends, 1in i think, i could be wrong though , so screw it to your local shop and ask.(don't get caught) if you change the exhaust, it's moding your bike, so, don't get caught. welcome to the madhouse jak.(is that a girls name )
  15. me to, they always get the option to match an online price,unfortunately they never can. over heads you see.
  16. no because you can always find it cheaper online. this is why shops are closing down so much.
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