Everything posted by up.yours
Amazing Tow Truck Motorcycle
small incline = hot clutch
Krav Maga!!
a karate guy once asked me to through a punch at him , well , lets just say he never lived it down
Well here is the latest project
looks better than my mot'd road lagal rd350lc
- ffs
Stafford - anyone going?
this is summer? it only shines at squires
wot? you mean you wouldn't
dingle berries
dirty cow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LD21MqqexI&feature=youtu.be
Do you use your steering lock?
you just take a photo?
Kev Try's Veet for men
nice one andy. have you got a watch on my account.
is it just me?
if your imagining shaging the dog , for fuck sake, keep it to yourself i once thought i was shagging kate beckinsale after i had watched underworld phroor
is it just me?
i was thinking of the wifes sister once? when i had done the wife said did you have to be so rough, i feckin hate her sister, the little bitch.
Stafford - anyone going?
it's a day out then
is it just me?
oh? yea i would shag that one, infact i once did,but the missus was under me at the time. it's the other ann im on about, the big wyd one.
is it just me?
so what are you saying? is it just me . i once thought i was shagging ann wozzername, and woke up sweating.
monthly meet ~ rideout ?
i will meet up with you, can you get to bolton .
is it just me?
when im shagging the missus, i think of one her mates, sometimes i imagine a few of her mates,
- George White's have gone bust
This Is Priceless
trust you .
Do you use your steering lock?
ah, theirs a knack for the removel of van mirrors foamy. you need to hit them from the underside with the palm of your hand ,in an upwardy direction, dont try to grip it, just let it smash into the side window ,or preferably shoot across the front of the windscreen for maximum effect.
Torque wrench at Lidl for sale
don't want one.
FFS dont PM like this
:biglaugha: :biglaugha: :biglaugha:
Stafford - anyone going?
airheads always good for a bun , he gave me a bum bun at christmas.
i believe andy 13th may .
Torque wrench at Lidl for sale
well ? ? ? linky