Everything posted by up.yours
Holidays,,,,but bike staying home !
been their done that, you'l love it pat.
Attempting a little global warming on Dartmoor
yea, but they are full of bloody potholes
Attempting a little global warming on Dartmoor
yea, who wants to ride round the streets of bolton.
One of the things I fear when filtering.
it happens
Attempting a little global warming on Dartmoor
nice one merv ,im to pussy to venture out in this weather though
V90 automatic 1976
yer , welcome
- ooops.
FS1E " Northern Rally.
is there a pint in it for me
FS1E " Northern Rally.
? help ? you lost me at the first hurdle
Negative Attitude to Bikes
good on you
Negative Attitude to Bikes
main comment i get is ,sorry i wasn't looking, my response is usualy down the lines of ,fuck off you prick , and , ooch! that'l leave a mark
phew, im glad i was wrong
NOS Yam RD250
nah? do you have the 350.
maybe he's dead , HAVE YOU DIED NEWMAN , or maybe i should shut up
Old Classic Bikes and Practicality
jawa 350 ts was a relieble bike . 117,000 miles on the same pistons then sold it on. with spare pistons ,just incase.
Old Classic Bikes and Practicality
all i can tell you about my hack , a 1981 rd350lc is they were bred to scatch back country lanes and tracking in their day. now thirty plus years on , i use mine all year round (if it ain't pissing down) i nip to see my mum and dad on it, i also use it to pick up milk and bread from tesco's . it's also given drewps and blackhat a run for their money (they'l deny it ) iv,e done a hundred and fifteen mile run on it too, then it ran out of petrol i use it for work and allsorts but my favorit is weekend back lane scratching with the crew .so yea, go for it mate, age aint realy a draw back as long as you feed it right.
great parts
what else are you selling sacha
heres my other bike
are your hands gaffa taped to the bars
i need to have a phone with me. i always get lost?
heres my other bike
fuck me ? thats quick.
Wednesday Bike meet?
nice one preload, it can only get bigger from here on.
- classic
- classic
don't take it to heart ? we're kidding, :-))
all car dealers are thieving sharks, end of rant.