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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. i have a hat that makes me smile a mile wide ,its my crash hat
  2. up.yours

    white lights

    power drain is another problem ,i find that when the lights are on the horn sometimes warbles instead of honks,if the lights are off it works fine.ta for the links but i still dont want the leds but i do want a whiter light .im sure one brand differs from another so who make the brightest white bulbs.
  3. what can we do about the cost of fuel as a forum?
  4. up.yours

    white lights

    ta gas up , but leds are a definate no go for me as i do need to see where im going at night on them quite country lanes ,but in the day light i want that look at me im here glow.without going down the led road i need to brighten up the tail light also.
  5. up.yours

    white lights

    i am looking for a white light effect simular to the projector type hids,but without the expence .it needs to be a direct bulb swap ,i tried various types such as blue light white light rainbow ,this was a so called super white (not) light .have you got or do you know of such a bulb .
  6. that cost dissapears when i twist the grip,its also insured for an agreed value of £2500 ,thats £2000 more than i paid for it,whos the dick ed? dick ed.
  7. £1950 for a f---in wet dream omg.
  8. i went on two ,but i didnt know you then ,and were did it get us ? oh yes price inceases a week later.if the fuel tax comes down you will be taxed else were,like something you need such as food.
  9. and on top of the petrol prices ,oil is on the price hike too ,silkolene 2 stroke £46.00 for 4 ltr,so if like me you run a two stroke ,you get fucked over twice as much, all i can say is (theiving jipsy bastards)they must need the incom. and for what, ??? well you tell me.
  10. you could always try the pisspot type of helmet they look smaller than a full face.
  11. up.yours


    welcome to the madhouse ,nice bikes but i prefere to ride them than polish them,call me lazy if you must,but thats me.
  12. up.yours

    HI ALL

    welcome to the madhouse chelsee.by the way is that a girls name or a crap football team
  13. there are some brands that have different shell sizes ,and they have different liners to suit your bonce size,
  14. i need to ,thats were my hot totty is
  15. i pay £1.02p a ltr and feel like im being fukced from all directions.im in bolton
  16. errrm ? well said that man.
  17. seriously OG ,you need to address that photo
  18. aw dont get so emotional, have some of mine
  19. yes ,it was switched off,then i switched it on and everything worked ,when i was at home i switched it off as normal ,anyway it dont matter now because it works normal again.
  20. on friday i rode to wigan and back to bolton (20 mile round trip)and my indicators and headlamp didnt work,when i investigated the fault, i found that i hadnt re-connected the battery,not only had i not connected the battery i hadnt switched on the ignition key ,yet the bike still kicked up,i tried to start the bike today without turning ignition on and nothing happend ,is this weird or is there a simple explination.
  21. thanks for the call og it was appreciated ,also nice to speak to you droopy,turned out to be a nice day ,although i did do the ton up on my way home,it started to pee down and i was doned in a santa outfit with no waterproofs.
  22. a bloke on a farm says his wheel barrow squeaks ,the farmer asks how it sounds ,the guy says it goes squeek-----------------squeek-----------------squeek ?the farmer sacks him and says it should be going squeeksqweeksqweeksqweek.
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