Everything posted by up.yours
hi all
welcome jason, to the nuthouse ha ha ha aaargh,,,, enjoy it.
Classic Motorcycle Mechanics Show
nice day wasn't it.
Guest_(membername)_* Problem
thanks, you theiving bastard.
Guest_(membername)_* Problem
somebody had best return my avatar ,now.
Hang em high
anybody on here wanna buy a 50in plasma, it won't fit in my flat
Power Wheelies
when it all goes pear shaped, it hurts, it's also expensive,
Hang em high
theirs a new benifit just been passed by our goverment for GAYS. it's called the nob seekers allowence..
Hang em high
you don't mention in your rant ,,,peranting,,,, this is where it stems from. my youngest lad said he was going into bolton town center tonight, i said, your not, he's now at home with his mummy, when i say he's my youngest ,he's ninteen .but somehow we brought him up to respect our word. i bet the perants of the dark folk don't stop there kin from looting going into the town.
Hang em high
and what colour are the majority...
Hang em high
it's regulation down here that you don't put yourself at risk. it could effect your compensaition claim. hence , run like a mother fucker. or run like a nibber on a rape charge ,, speaking of which , have you noticed the amount of dark people involved in the looting, as iff they don't get enough out of this country already, oh dont get me started ,
- Gay Test
Never get lost, just don't turn left!
tosspot idea, you want to hear it , not watch it and that particulare sat nav doesn't have an ear jack.
- The Gay KK
oh yea,, You can all call religion ,but as soon as, I , mention the P or Bl4ck word my posts go missing
welcome back goff-o- licious. just in time to bring the clan to the squires bash, everybody who's anybody's will be there.
One too many keys
you could always narrow it down to just two keys, a hammer and screwdriver for the lot.
it needs winding up.
Hello from a new member
it should pull you along with your shopping quite happily as there are two gears on these babies,oh yes, and i was twenty , yup, twenty stone when i bought this and it pulled me up a bloody great steep hill ok. im now down to fifteen stone with all my running and dieting so it goes a little bit quiker now. i had some kidds running along side of me once laughing and saying i should be shot for cruelty to a minor, :blush:
Cafe racer emporium
oh how i would love to wipe my arse on a seat like that.
Hiyaa! =]
to the madhouse, oh carol,(thats my wifes name, aw), oh and my mums name (double aw) iff your after a ride, you could always meet up with us wierd and wonderfull (barkwindjammer)lot at the squires cafe 3rd of september 2011.
New Here Irene
hey merv. whats going on here, i have never in my born life, used this + - thing. yet i just tried it and it's saying you have used your quota for today . it's bloody lying can you fix it.
Hello from a new member
this one ,twelve months, my first one complete with basket and rear box,(how sad is that) was back in 82, it was the x wifes ,i had a xs500. this was bought for £40 complete with mot , restricted (until now) i dont know how fast it goes the needle stops at the end of the casing, . i just picked it up to mess around in the shed with, i pop to work on it when im not running though.it's a little gem.
The Joke page
:lol: :lol: yours are the best merv.. :lol:
- warning