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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. thanks you two , i will pass on the infomaition , and take all the credit ( joking) .
  2. not mine , it's robs. 1 only reaching twenty mph , 2 cleaned air filter 3 changed plug 4 swapped veriator and something else ? 5 cleaned carb 6 oh you know the score,, all the common shit has been done, it ticks over nice it revs nice, it has an after market pipe that crackles (nice). but when you ride it down the street, when it gets to twenty mph it revs high but don't speed up . it's a bit sluggish setting off aswell, as if the clutch is slipping, (do they even have one) who knows, it's a 50cc . what can we try next....
  3. it's called the sit up and beg position pat, all women should do it....
  4. ogb is correct , it don't realy matter what number your in , its about feel , and iff it feels right you will know, and again iff it feels wrong ,,,,you'l know. keep kicking till you can't kick any more.
  5. up.yours

    Pikey trikey!!

    propper trikes are very stable at speed, ( we will continue with the piss taking ttasky) BUT, reliant trikes were never stable above sixty mph as they were intended , let alone after some knob with a spanner and a hammer has been let loose on one.
  6. wouldn't you just love to be able to pack your bags ,and just go. the cost alone would cripple my account, on a two stroker, and them photo's are an art in their own right, look at the grain compared to todays modern digitals, they are much more interesting to study , i realy do envey these guys ,,,n gals..
  7. you need to tell rehanna to keep her bangers covered up, they might be jinxed.
  8. i would say it's normal, but who am i to comment on normal
  9. hi, and welcome to the madhouse, nice intro, it/s just a pitty that no one on here has a clue about motorcycles, (only joking) im clueless , but i should imagine our drewpy will jump in with both feet , and help you out.
  10. up.yours

    Pikey trikey!!

    yes , but better still , lets all sit around a burning reliant,
  11. nice one andy, i did that ,? put the sliders in the wrong carbs on my lc . frustrating isn't it. make sure you use the right spings on the pipes , if it has them , as i used some that , erm ? well sorta fit. it popped and farted until i put the correct ones on. good luck with it. and : ride it like you stole it: it's what they were made for.
  12. keep us updated , and post a few pictures, before durin and after. i tried to find some photo's of my old xs500 , but they must be in the loft.
  13. well ,,, it seems that you are normal we are dealing with a knob head here though .
  14. up.yours

    Pikey trikey!!

    reliants have crossply tyres, it's a bloody cage.
  15. 2000 watts,ha ha, i have 3400 watts in my car, that hifi wouldn't even power it..
  16. thats good , that you get to the barn , if it's dry this sunday i,ll be up their myself this sunday , around twelve , to about half one ish. so if your their look out for me, you could even buy me a pint (kidding). the poor health comes with age unfortunatly.
  17. so,,,, what about my rd doing 300mph,, is it happening or WOT....
  18. hayup paul, hows it goin.
  19. up.yours

    Pikey trikey!!

    it's my oppinion thats all , am i not allowed one any more, and they are still cars not bikes. and i still think they look shit.
  20. na your not stupid, i wouldn't expect you to wrap up in cotton wool, but wear the right protection , be alert , and don't take unnessasery risks. cabage is another one,, phewwwww.
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