Everything posted by up.yours
- XT125R battery issue
my 650 classic
not meaning to sound rude but bikes are for riding , not polishing, if you have clean inner rims, there's something seriously wrong with you hmm, this sounds rude
sunday 1st 2012
that cafe is shit, i had greasy burnt fried bread a snotty egg cold beans and tomatoes and he had no ash-browns. i also left half a cup of coffee cos that were shite too. hope you had good day out without me, and hope your feeling guilty for not keeping up with the posts. i was lonley today and it's all your fault, your so cruel , and it should have rained on you. p.s iff your going again let me know. your new best mate kev.
XT500C after full restoration
wow, i want it.
- 2 Stroke gathering & YOC camping weekend 2012
600cc first big bike
go with the bandit, there's lots to choose from ,parts are easy to find ,and cheep. and it should suit your short frame and puney weight just fine.
why does my 02 plate dt125 only do 70mph?
how dare you lower the tone of this post with such sensable comments. lets take it back to stupidity, i was doing the ton on the motor way today, i noticed a bit of a wobble creeping in, do you think it could be anything to do with my rear tyre being wrongly fit, as i have been told several times to sort it out before i come a cropper.
- 2 Stroke gathering & YOC camping weekend 2012
sunday 1st 2012
dam, you could have rang me up andy , i would have followed you over there. i went out alone , got to garstang ,then met up with joshua2 for a cuppa at mcd's in blackburn. the rd was well on song over them pennine moors, but as you said it was bloody cold, i had to buy some of that shit oil from the garage as i ran out of fuel on my way back and i must of neglected to put my bottle of premium under the seat. smokin like a guddun, i may stick with the shit oil in future.
RD400 f ,,,, found in basement
i had the rd250, it had pink wheels, and looked real GAY, it was a girls down the road from me,she had fallen off it and shit her knickers, so me being the gent i am ,jumped in and bought it from her,only thinking of her future health of coarse. well it got sold on and if i had the chance to buy it back i would, but for now the old mellow yellow meets my every need ,and it only cost me five hundred nicka.
- RD400 f ,,,, found in basement
sunday 1st 2012
what time will ye be there. and wot you wearing.
sunday 1st 2012
well who the fuck said it's going to be dry. i won't be listning to you again.
- Hello
welcome to the madhouse.
- radian
sunday 1st 2012
i may make it to the barn , if my heads clear enough,about 1 ish.
My Bobber project
im realy curious as to how much of the old tack your going to replace. as it's looking real good up to now.
Happy new year arses
happy new year , on that bum note.
Age Old Question?
three rd350lc's
- my xs250
newby from walkden
goffs pet bull terrier.
- my xs250
Messed my back up :(
i soppose il have to give her a hand,, who's first then.
newby from walkden
hey , did you meet dolcei when you were there.