Everything posted by up.yours
help needed please dt50mx
urgh, you don't want him as a friend, have me...I must warn you though i'm an ugly fecker I havent got many friends !...
Fishing under ice
yea thats certainly an odd youtube.
- What did you get for xmas? (bike related)
Messed my back up :(
he doesn't meen you andy , he's on about me.
- Main Test
- help needed
Removal of Star logo (plastic 3D piece) off petrol tank?
trust us ,eh ttask. you try to help and get no thanks ,kiss my arse or nowt.. typical one post wonder.
Applecross " spectacular road,
cheers pete
Removal of Star logo (plastic 3D piece) off petrol tank?
try using a credit card to scrape it off , then use white spirit to remove any sticky markes. this is a method i use when de-badging cars.
Applecross " spectacular road,
cheers ventura, it's a shame that my rd will never verture all that way. my arse just couldn't take all that abuse. but if i ever drive up that neck of the wilderness hiring a bike is always an option.
- Just Nasty NWS
600cc first big bike
just look at pete's sons big smiley face.... go on you know it makes sence.
- help needed
What is the top speed of the DT125X
depends on the wind newman, pharp
What is the top speed of the DT125X
oh my fuckin god, here we go.
- XJ6 With Xmas Pressies
i got ignored twice to day, ignorant fuckin pair of bastards, i hope they both have starting problems in the morning , it'l serve them right, the pair of twats, do they know what effect ignoring people have on them , well,,, this is a perfect example.... well , thats my rant of the day over.
Applecross " spectacular road,
i have loads of questions about this run , but here's three of them.(for now) 1. where is it. 2. how far from start to end is it. 3. why are they going so fuckin slow.
why does my 02 plate dt125 only do 70mph?
i was 22 stone, now,,,, when you say your a bit of a fatty,,,what exactly do you mean.
600cc first big bike
see , i told you the bandits the way to go, fuck the rest. you wont have any trouble two up with luggage on a bandit , trust me.
stormy weather
tree's fencing even chiminies down here, nearly got thrown in to a ditch going over to darwin today. oh the joys of biking.
Buy a ex Sea harrier
and you almost had to bale me out too ,john.
Diet advice
what do you meen by she ain't fat, look at her fat titties,for feck sake.
- Radiator Coolant
sunday 1st 2012