Everything posted by up.yours
Roughleys toy run, Stockport
here's an old one of me and and paul tommy.
I need to watch my step now
your kids are never old enough to give you lip jimmy, you just have to remind them.
2 years later
Be very afraid .
Winter wear
you just can't beat the old muffs, yes im a muff man too.
2 years later
another rider to take under my wing , well done fella.
Vesperados santa run 29th November
guess I may get dressed up if it ain't raining
gutted for my Daughter
take her to macdonalds ,, she will soon forget about him.
Ultrasonic carb cleaning
It was nothing !!! Really .
Ultrasonic carb cleaning
I can , put it in the middle..
Squires 2016
hi pat , it would be good if you could make the treck mate.
'HARDCORE' - The World's First Action P.O.V. Film
all done in DOOM,
Squires 2016
2016 t-shirts orders now being taken.
Yamaha xj6 n - my first bike has cooling problems :(
change thermostat . and welcome to my website.
Very sad day for me today
im with you tommy , chunks just keeping my ellie may company dude, Christ whats up with me !! im welling up writing this.
Rear shock gone after 1500 miles
There's a clue in his name slice "bideford""
- Hi
National Motorcycle Museum
there is one thrown in the back of a container down at our local scrap yard, or there used to be, it may have gone now.
National Motorcycle Museum
was that a fold away or a throw away that the army used to parachute down with, to get them to there destination quickly . I thought I saw something like that on a documentary, they were mass produced as disposable bikes.
Matlock this Sunday
twaz a very sunny day andy , I wouldn't have been good company today under the circumstances iv'e been a right miserable twat today .
cheaky Gits
I can still see the point of having a disk holder anyway
gutted ,dogs gone.
thanks from over the water , (sacha) cheers meat, the other two bully's are now showing signs that they know something is a miss and she should be around, poor things ,I wish they could talk sometimes. but then again I have five lippy kids that wont shut up.
gutted ,dogs gone.
cheers nigel. your words are comforting.
gutted ,dogs gone.
they are bip, keeps on having a tug now and then. the wifes devastated .
gutted ,dogs gone.
thanks fellers , im home safe although I did have a skinfull. the amount of sympathy ive had is overwhelming .still sore though.. im just glad she went as quick as she did .
gutted ,dogs gone.
Cheers guys she really was my world I'm up at rivvi barn kicking tyres with a long face I might kick the next bike a little bit harder