Everything posted by up.yours
stopped smoking
28 years for me , im now stink free? execpt for my stink wheeled stroker.
stopped smoking
just think of it like this, you won't stink anymore
Measuring fuel - how without gauge
run it to reserve then find a garage, this works fine for me.
TMax Problem
i had a monkey from dough hacking service my jawa, the pegs fell off, the chain was slack ,and the handle bars were loose.
one guy that will never need a new front tire
i would imagine there are a few fail vids out if we look.
one guy that will never need a new front tire
how the fuck do they get em so high up, i would end up on my arse if i tried.
one guy that will never need a new front tire
i can't believe the resemblance, you can hardly tell them apart .
Happy New Year
hey foams my mates selling a re built dt50 for £500 if your interested.
Happy New Year
oooooh my fuckin head? what day is it
Happy New Year!
im off to get pissed up now, by all, by by 2012.
feck feck feckety feck ?
had a great christmas ,too intoxicated to ride or drive , until today. and my fuckin timing belt snapped on th renault . ho, the cost so fuck it, im back on the booze have a good un guys n gals happy new year.
Amazing discovery...
i got HID's they be bright as fuck and day time driving lights
non-bike related towing question...
push it onto the road and ring the break down .they should tow it for you, (just act thick) shouldn't be hard.
Motorcycle e-petition's (a few anyway)
my wife has started to have her own opinion lately.
Motorcycle e-petition's (a few anyway)
we also gave thick people the right to run the bloody country.
Riding with a blown indicator bulb
once you have been pulled over by plod and advised to fix them , you will need to fix them , bulbs go at any time and plod knows this.
Merry Christmas
on the twelve day of christmas my true love gave to me my twelve can of stella yo ho ho merry christmas yoc'ers
TMax Problem
never trust a shop with your life?
- YOC Calender - January 2014, post your pics and votes!
- YOC Calender - January 2014, post your pics and votes!
Golden Eagle Snatches Kid
is this spelt right steve.
Yamaha TZR 50CC Tuned Top SPEED
your on about that little black n red thing arn't you jay, it gave me a run for my money too.
easy wine kit , 1 homebargains , 2 pay cashier £2.99 1ltr bottle of cheep wine 3 go home get pished. 4 fall asleep.
I want one of these for christmas... :3
thats why he's now a wanker?
I want one of these for christmas... :3
nice next christmas , yum yum.