Everything posted by up.yours
the harlem shake is here.?
me and you can do the harlem shake at squires can't wait
the harlem shake is here.?
i was just about to buy a fleet of suzuki bandits, well guess what suzuki? you can fuck off im not doing now.
Being vigilant near junctions has its perks.
thats why God invented these.
10 stupid people on bikes
i wanted a close up of no1's back , the fuckin prick.
Car " Filtering" Video
bmw's answer to our ghostrider
cow horse?
what next ? Mc'dog burgers oop's did i say that out loud
What essential tools do you carry on your bike/person?
my arse and my elbo's all i take
a valentines poem to turn the loved one on...
jimmys back with a nice one
it's neither big nor clever
big balls is all i can say
it's neither big nor clever
Whats a mans biscuit?
a fag roll more like
- WTF x2
WTF remember this ?
NO. swingers are those pink things between your legs you fool
Whats a mans biscuit?
hob nobs, these are the ultimate dunking tool , only for real men though.
Does anyone listen to music whilst riding?
iphone crancked up on full notch for me
he shit his pants
keep you bike locked up
this is where doing a counter act against the other party comes into effect. it gets thrown out of court due to lack of evidence. but you still have to attend court for the judge to dismiss your case, and ? you can't claim for loss of earnings either.
tonight 8.30pm on channel 4 watch it?
Clear coat,,,
have you seen johns photography :biglaugha:
~~Daily Feed, post what made you laugh today ~~
your kidding
WTF remember this ?
thats deleated after every session i wouldn't be married otherwise
- WTF remember this ?
WTF remember this ?
there is far worse out there i just haven't found it yet
WTF remember this ?
who watched it all the way through.