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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. been their done that, you'l love it pat.
  2. yea, who wants to ride round the streets of bolton.
  3. nice one merv ,im to pussy to venture out in this weather though
  4. up.yours


    nice one jay , my hero..
  5. main comment i get is ,sorry i wasn't looking, my response is usualy down the lines of ,fuck off you prick , and , ooch! that'l leave a mark
  6. up.yours


    phew, im glad i was wrong
  7. up.yours

    NOS Yam RD250

    nah? do you have the 350.
  8. up.yours


    maybe he's dead , HAVE YOU DIED NEWMAN , or maybe i should shut up
  9. jawa 350 ts was a relieble bike . 117,000 miles on the same pistons then sold it on. with spare pistons ,just incase.
  10. all i can tell you about my hack , a 1981 rd350lc is they were bred to scatch back country lanes and tracking in their day. now thirty plus years on , i use mine all year round (if it ain't pissing down) i nip to see my mum and dad on it, i also use it to pick up milk and bread from tesco's . it's also given drewps and blackhat a run for their money (they'l deny it ) iv,e done a hundred and fifteen mile run on it too, then it ran out of petrol i use it for work and allsorts but my favorit is weekend back lane scratching with the crew .so yea, go for it mate, age aint realy a draw back as long as you feed it right.
  11. up.yours

    great parts

    what else are you selling sacha
  12. are your hands gaffa taped to the bars
  13. up.yours

    REALRIDER app...

    i need to have a phone with me. i always get lost?
  14. nice one preload, it can only get bigger from here on.
  15. up.yours


    so what we have concluded here, is ,,age isn't realy a factor in terms of a bike being a classic , it's more down to the desirebility of the bike.
  16. up.yours


    ? how old is the first ever jap bike ,and is it a classic or is it vintage?
  17. don't take it to heart ? we're kidding, :-))
  18. all car dealers are thieving sharks, end of rant.
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