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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. it didn't stop me clicking on it, iv'e bought em.
  2. up.yours

    i love it

    you love it doncha
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASO_zypdnsQ
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASO_zypdnsQ
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASO_zypdnsQ
  6. up.yours

    i love it

  7. feck gangam style listen to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASO_zypdnsQ
  8. up.yours

    Anyone seen...

    lookin forward, i like following your little projects. it's just bin a shit month or so for me, all the bills coming in and not enough wages.
  9. up.yours

    Anyone seen...

    no insurance , and the yams in the shop awaiting a few bits .
  10. up.yours

    Anyone seen...

    im still here , but sulking
  11. i hope they are legal i have them all around my car,+ HID's
  12. try undertaking a pig on the motorway and see what happens clever dick.
  13. up.yours

    S H E D S

    tidy is my motto, if you want a shed to store your ride keep it tidy.
  14. hi, on my yam rd350 i have a little bit of free play on the front wheel , should i replace the bearings or tighten the bastard up a little bit
  15. belated congrats bip
  16. none last year ? the service guy/gay fucked the speedo cable up the day i set off to squires and i ain't got around to fixing it.
  17. up.yours

    Tennis elbow..

    fuck off, il look a right tosspot
  18. up.yours

    Tennis elbow..

    i had severe tennis elbow a few years back now, instead of the doc i saw a theripist (she was fit as fuck) i nearly shot my lot all over her,hemmm back to the point? she had me do some very gay looking exercises with my wrist, these were done in the privisy of my home , but they worked a treat, within two/three days the pain had completely gone and it lasted a good while, when the pain returned , a quick repeat of the theropy and the old wrist and elbow was good to go. unfortunately it's hard to explain what to do , it's easier to show you. .... go see a theripist jay.
  19. up.yours

    Tennis elbow..

    must be wanking then.
  20. definitely the latter pete
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