Everything posted by up.yours
What was the funniest thread you remember
funniest post is currently . ( i served someone famous today )
Stafford Show,,,,,,19th October,,
im out , taking the lad to york.
I served someone famous today!
who told you he was famous
I served someone famous today!
ah. this guy https://www.facebook.com/tony.drone.3?fref=ts the man with no face
I served someone famous today!
never heard of him
2 stroke pump
just a thought ! but maybe it wasn't getting enough oil before . giving the false illusion that it is now using more..
christmas pressies
i just bought a shark s600 helmet on line and a pair of kevlar jeans as my old lid and jeans have seen better times. well ! the reason im pissed , is because the wife has intecepted them both and hid them from me, she said i can have them as a prezzi from her for christmas as i am awkward to buy for.. fuckin christmas
christmas pressies
oh, fuck off .! it's too early..
Legal Advice...please
fatigue ! maybe ..
tinted visor
i normally do. anyhoo i got my lid , im now in the middle of bidding on efuck for a visor..
Bikesure Competition Time
you can't have one their banned !
Bikesure Competition Time
Bikesure Competition Time
go on ! show us show us.gizza look , canna wait no longer.
this is what you need .. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hitachi-VHS-Movie-VM-600E-/111185871137?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_Video_Camcorders&hash=item19e331c121
This bike thief won't be stealing any more bikes
you can't say that merv ! your a teacher..
This bike thief won't be stealing any more bikes
i hope he's dead too.
- just because .?
Stafford Show,,,,,,19th October,,
how much !
Stafford Show,,,,,,19th October,,
bike stuff.
just because .?
i don't know why i,m putting this here..
tinted visor
i looked at the airoh pit one , i quite liked the no fuss air intakes. this also had the pilot style drop down visor.. then ? the shark bit me,, i already own the rsr2 , but this is for best , i wanted a new work helmet, so i have ordered the shark s600 , but i would like to fit a dark visor as i live up a big hill and the sun is in your eyes wherever you go..
tinted visor
I see the section saying 50%. Light. But how would Joe public measure this. As long as I have the british kite mark on it would I be safe to use one.
tinted visor
where does it say you can't have a tinted visor ! all i can see here, is it must meet British Standard BS 6658:1985 and carry the BSI Kitemark. https://www.gov.uk/motorcycle-helmet-law
More possible licence changes
don't put yourself down Gal , you did good with us lot.
This 2 strokes "up and running " ,,
do they do a welsh one