Everything posted by up.yours
My next stoopid newbie question!
oh sorry i thought you already had them ..as you said you were looking at them, i thought oh never mind !
My next stoopid newbie question!
Try them both see which one fits ¡
- Punctuation.
last years woes!!
carry a breakdown card.. get someone else to do it , you can just sit in macki d's window with a brew and a burger then
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
Where's my feckin bill !
Goats bouncing on steel arch
Yea ! I've seen you riding.
please sign this foks keep a killer behind bars
5,537 now.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
iv'e forgot what option 4 was now
Anyone own a SR400?
xs lines.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
ta bippo your too kind. unlike the rest of the retards on here.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
they struggle..
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
i don't know my real size,, just get me a bloody xxxx large one.... and you lot can stop laughing.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
suzi rm 250 1998
don't be awfull, he's only a kid, we all had to start somewhere .. he just doesn't listen to the right people though..
suzi rm 250 1998
cheers guys i won't catch him until friday night . so i shall let him read these post when i see him..
suzi rm 250 1998
I thought it might be an air leak. Where is the most likely place to look . As for the re assembly . Well ?
Robocop 2014 ( Not work Safe)
the hydrographics look brilliant , we have used them to cover our guns at the shooting range for years.. but they tend to chip and mark easily when knocked.. why he covered a dented tank at the start baffles me. you would have thought he would have knocked it out first..
2 Stroke gathering and YOC camping weekend 2014
eh up pat ,
suzi rm 250 1998
cheers foamy, the radiator has had a pipe put through and all seems to be clear, i told him to check for any movement in the filler cap but he said their is to much vibration to tell. also he was under the impression that the pipes and rad should be cool .. did you listen to the vid..
suzi rm 250 1998
on tick over , the revs rise and fall , i,e it ticks for about five revolutions then speeds up for one revolution .ond so on. any ideas.. plus if you go back to post 40 and have a listen through some stethoscopes, tell me iff it sounds healthy to you or not..og who's fucking about with my post...
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
cheeky twat.
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
BUT IF YOUR FAT LIKE ME. it will cost a little more
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
Squires 2014 Special Ed T-shirts, Anyone?
im not a massive fan of having the year on it.. as at this time of the year it's a throw away garment after the event,, . unless of coarse , you don't mind wearing out of date t-shirts.