Everything posted by up.yours
Anyone in the Vice Squad?
i have a mate called japs eye. dont know if hes had it in a vice though?
We have chooks!
thats just a ploy to coax them in, then snap ?
- Dickhead
We have chooks!
i only have a rubber chicken, so how am i fixed for eggie bread at yours .
could we get a section for snowmobiles
no not the coffee bean , we need to organize a mass rally .
- Dickhead
sh*t scare!
same thing happend to me with a cop van ? i hit it dead centre .tell me? did you realy shit yourself
- Newbie...
- dog shit
dog shit
i took my three bullys out on the lead today ,one had a shit and as i fumbled for a bag to retreive it a women trod in it and remarked that i was a dirty bastard,i apolergised at first but she continued to rant on as if i had shit on the floor on purpose ,i asked her to lift her foot up and she told me to F off ,some folk are so ignorant at times . i just fought i would share my days events with you all and hope from this you will all have a little more respect than this ignorant cow did for us responsible dog owners,rant over.
Yamaha R6 (Summer '09) GoPro Footage.
very good quality cam ,what type is it,good cam work also,?but you ride like a wuss,open that throttle next time your out.
The Pre-Stained Clothing Company
i stay away from the forum for a couple of days ,and you just cant resist ,
Yamaha RD250LC problem!!
as you know ?im pre mixing so can i cut and remove the oil pump cable section as its badly frayed.or will it all fall apart.
thank you all for your replys,exept you joshua2{only kidding}im on to it. just pulled the throttle cable out today and the oil pump cable section has frayed ,the cable is a genuine yamaha part, 12 months old ,are the after market replacements better.
- rd350lc
- I am new
could we get a section for snowmobiles
Yamaha RD250LC problem!!
cheers me mateys ill take a look tomoz its to dark now. it just seems odd that it worked fine for 11 months
Yamaha RD250LC problem!!
thanks very much lads ,my 350 developed this very fault only this afternoon,isnt that erie ,but i found that iff i pull on the throtte cable near the grip it revs up.what may have come loose .(sorry to muscle in on your topic but we may have the same problem)my tickover is about 3500.
could we get a section for snowmobiles
lets go the whole hog and have an organ section aswell
Eygpt Loves Jawa 350 Twins
tis true ,i did it.on a jawa, so their with knobs on
- I am new
It lives!!
then you will wake up
- I am new
- rd350lc