Everything posted by up.yours
DVLA question
you got me wondering now,so being the nosey bugger that i am please pm me the question.xxx
will this help.
oh balls its not worked AGAIN.
will this help.
i dont know why exactly im posting this <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="
Word Association Thread
best game ever
its the best game ever.
Word Association Thread
hell ride.
How not to clean a bike
now who wouldnt want to get on those (you asked for that).
Stafford show 17th and 18th October 09
hay, you are one of the proclaimers arnt you,can you autograph my reply please. nice rd s arnt they.high blackhat whats it like in the shadow of a star.
how much!!!
tighten up the nut,or mig weld the foot peg.the sticking brake ,you can try a good dowsin of wd40.
Word Association Thread
the goodies, goody goody yum yum?
Foamys First Car?
how dare you mention volvo on this forum,go and wash your dirty mouth out . you will want a flat cap next.
Yamaha RD250LC problem!!
the throttle cable going to the carb has frayed,so i purchased a new one the bikes layed up for now because i cant disconect the cable at the slider side ,can you tell me how its done please.
Just a reminder
didnt you know, FAT blokes steal bikes aswell as thin blokes.
- best game ever
Word Association Thread
ee by gum.
Foamys First Car?
fords R shi-e. you should think about what is practical,ie will you need to carry things ,will it be a taxi for mum+dad ,or will you use it to impress your mates(vw golf) and end up turning it over or worse,as with a bike you need to think b4 you go out and purchase somthing impractical,i have a citreon piccaso because i have three dogs and three kids .if i were alone i would have a scooby too impress.but please choose practical and not to impress.
Word Association Thread
cow shit
best game ever
ive just spent an hour on that stupid game.and i think their is something wrong with you
Word Association Thread
rat shit
Word Association Thread
bollock sack
Weird PM about another forum
Word Association Thread
Weird PM about another forum
ive still not seen this potato thingy yet where the hell is it.
broken teeth
i suppose its each to his own ,but i wouldnt .
Weird PM about another forum
the cheeky bastard asked me too, they must be very hard up .