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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. to the madhouse,DICK, is the bike running ,and will you be attending the two stroke meet at squires cafe.
  2. to the madhouse,,its looking like i may attend the 2 stroke meet at squires,so i may let you shake my hand,,,,but only iff you wash it.
  3. up.yours

    Bike Names

    i call mine a, yamaha rd350lc.
  4. one for you,ttask.....
  5. "PLEASE" tell me thats not a barbie,,,ffs......
  6. sorry drewpy,hes right two-strokes rule,his heart is in the right place:D
  7. its not a yammy,,its a yummy:D
  8. hope he goes to the squires cafe,it looks tasty,
  9. i think its called a freeway, i use the car for work as i cannot be arsed to get the bike out from its secure cell.i tend to use the bike only for fun ,(these days),oh god its shit being an old fart..ill smell of piss next,why is it that we smell of piss when we get old ,it isnt like we dont bath or use deodriants.
  10. dont be a tart,make an effert,we could have a yoc mass meet up,and a bloody good piss up.Droopy ,i need someone to follow i hope your going,cos im shit on directions.
  11. you be runnin like fcuk if it falls off that stand.
  12. 1982 yamaha rd350lc £102 fully comp, no , no claims bonus £3500 AGREED value,no quible,but this is on a classic insurance with KGM. the crap side is limited miles, leasure only ,no commuting,garaged alarmed.and if it gets nicked from my drive way its not covered, (it should be locked in the garage sir.) also you dont build up no claims discount on a lot of these classic insurance pollicies .the same company qoated me £42 for an aerox 100cc tp only,not bad isit.so you may want to consider buying a classic until your older.if you can find a rd125lc,they were frightening in there day.
  13. it meens to engage in legal proseedings,ie ,they start to charge when and if you give them permition to take it to court for you.
  14. you should be able to get yourself a free consultaition with a soliciter ,or you can have a talk to the no win no pay brigade.and yes wear what you want iff you can take the pain by almeans,but dont moan when it hurts.
  15. your lucky it aint down to the bone,fool, hope you wear the right gear from now on.and all you newbies need to learn from this guys mistake.
  16. up.yours

    hi all

    do you understand that iff you do all these mods ,and do not inform the insurance your insurance could be void,and iff you do inform them ,they wont insure it .think about what your doing b4 you top yourself .and welcome to the madhouse. .take your time and get there safe.
  17. she will kill you iff she reads this,,,,,. ogre
  18. up.yours

    electrics dead

    erm? you have charged the battery up,tell me you have?
  19. doobry doo drewpy,whats the entry fee to lotherton ,and r you going.
  20. oh,i will do the , to the forum thing,as grumpy wont.welcome andy9,Ttasks realy a pussycat , once you get to know him.
  21. its funny as feck when it all goes wrong....
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