Everything posted by up.yours
- Hi all
The happy couple
many happy years to you both well done ,
guess who got a job?
congrats andy,you can pop round mine for a brew,,,, ,,but not to often:
stebel nautilus
cheeky bugger.
manchester toy run 2010
iff robs not mot'd the bandit,i might need you to take me: ,so mcd's at wot time.
Flying Bike
:lol: keep em coming pat,, but in the meantime try this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GulHMmrt-o
all in good fun
see the second one,,,http://www.youtube.c...=1&feature=fvwp
Flying Bike
wow amazing ,,pat,,?
Two-stoke V fourstroke
nice one john .that got me laughing..
Kev (up-yours) other hobby
manchester toy run 2010
what can i say,,,,BE THERE. http://www2.salvatio...BB?opendocument 6th nov 2010
stebel nautilus
i aint got one yet john,and have you seen the price of them hornblasters,,,,, ,,,£1,400.00... :lol: ,feck them for a lark..
stebel nautilus
shhh,im awere of how loud they are,
stebel nautilus
do you have one of these horns fitted on your bike,if you do can you tell me how many seconds the horn works before it lacks air pressure,or iff it works continuosly.
fit jap bird
hatsune mika is a japanese animation developed by yamaha. http://www.youtube.c...SQ&feature=fvsr and this is the anime developed by yamaha,, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtTRmZOb1JY&feature=related
- fit jap bird
Fazer rides 2010
it may sound a bit heartless this,but seeing as your in good spirit,,can i see the vid when you come off.
YBR 125 Front sprocket fell off while riding
double ended screwdriver,,sparkplug socket,,,10mm 13mm spanner,,pliers,,clean rag,,adjustable spanner,,, all this is usualy pointless as you never seem to have what you need in case of an emergancy,,allan keys,,tyre weld,,oh dont bother,,do as i do and join the breakdown,,let them fuck about at the roadside while you have a smoke,,it's only £40 12mts. ps i personnely carry double ended screw driver and one pair of pliers,,1 pair of sergical gloves....
is it a fetish?...
yer,,,,me for one.
YBR 125 Front sprocket fell off while riding
hi ,iv'e just had a look at your sprocket set up ,it contains a castilated cover that is held down with two bolts.use ,,locktite,,on the threads of the two bolts when you do the job,so that they don't unscrew,,as for tools ,,if you have none,,don't run out and buy from the pound shop,they are cheap for one reason ,cos they are shite,you will end up damaging nuts bolts and your tools ,but more so ,you will end up hurting yourself,,,so only buy quality tools,they wont last a lifetime,cos you'l lose some and lend some,if you can't afford them then borrow them ,dont compromise by buying trash.
My RD350LC
ta very much indeed for the comment kishan,
can't help ye with the pump issue as mine is disconected . ,you can't trust em,pre-mix,thats what i say .as for the cables:angry: 12mts cable frayed.buy a yamaha one they last longer..
1000 th post
i thought as this is my 1000th post, that i would take this oppotunity, to thank you all for all for the help and advice given to me over the years. also for the humour and whit,piss taking and slander, to all the lads n lasses iv,e met,your all top guy's n gal's. to them i haven't yet met,maybe ill catch some of you at the toy run,or in 2011. anyway here's a picci of myself and a few chums i met once, and hope to meet again.ride safe,yours sinceraly KEV,,,(,upyours)
General Tune-up and service
hmmm,,? i know a girl called jordan:unsure:anyhow, .thats expensive,,you need to make freinds with someone who knows about bikes,,then ask a favour of him:) ..or those theaving twits will rape you again and again,until you bleed.
Fazer rides 2010
heard about your accident,hoping its' not to serious,,,we found the vids you were keeping from us by the way,,get well soon anyhow mate.