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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. up.yours

    Slut Machine

    this has taken over my life...
  2. so when did you finaly lose it altogether ot :D
  3. so when did you finaly lose it altogether ot :D
  4. cheers andy,,im permenantly bog eyed now
  5. will someone please explain this to me,,,, for fuck sake....
  6. edge of your seat racing.. http://www.youtube.c...feature=related shit commentry though.
  7. .your taking a risk that i would not by putting cheep oil in a classic bike , use the comp pre mix off road,you wont regret it. trust me 30-1 is a good mix ratio
  8. ouch,? your insurance is gonna sting bro. hope you wern't hurt though.
  9. fuck off, yer pissed up.....
  10. who's this crutchlow person than.
  11. your a bit ferkin cheeky,arnt you,, press your caps lock before you post again...and tell us something about you before we tell you something....
  12. at least i wear my helmet the right way around,,you uglybum.
  13. up.yours


    wtf,,,,is it all about......
  14. sikolene comp 2 off road pre mix only for me im affrade, as pumps fail, not often ,but it's a fact , then its too late, your flying over the bars. iff you pre mix you know it's in there. i don't even shake the tank as the speed bump on the way out of the filling station is enough to mix it up. 350 ml pop bottle to the tank full of fuel is all you need,my bikes been run like this with no misshaps for the past ten years,and i rag the arse end off of it......
  15. i was just asking as i have a rsr2 morror visor that has, only for off road use printed on it...
  16. up.yours


    iff your putting it on ebay, it will be worth as much as somebody is willing to pay for it. that is usualy a lot more than it's true value...
  17. how very dare you, my car smells of new leather...
  18. something you may want to concider is to give her the option to get her own quote ,for repairs ,so that she can see that your not trying to rip her off, it also shows that your a reasonable person so as not to ruffle any feathers and fall out over an unfortunate accident,that she has held her hands up to.
  19. vic does it say daytime use or track use only ? rutele iff your looking on the web by the way ,try googling helmet visors click shopping then change priority to lowest first...
  20. it's not a young person thing at all kishan, i love it , and im 99yrs old see my profile. but that said i also have andrew loyd webber and jonny cash in the car. http://www.youtube.c...h?v=gRlj5vjp3Ko
  21. any salesman in any bike shop will tell you that they are obliged to tell you that coloured or tinted visors are for off road use, and that is what they sold it to you for, as for buying a new skid lid,buy a shark,,,any shark, don't buy aldi or lidl cack ,oh and arai are cack aswell. check out the sharp helmet ratings.... iff you come through bolton with a tinted visor and the police see it ,you will get stopped,cos up here they are tossers.
  22. jason, it's all about feeling the music, you don't understand because your very old, but the youth of today obviously crave it or it wouldn't be this popular. here try this ,,drink twelve cans of stella ,smoke a joint ,steel a renult clio,,, then pop this in the dvd player. http://www.youtube.c...Fw&feature=fvst ps read the comments under the tunes
  23. you could try the sellick sandwich. click here,,,
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