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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. as you mentioned black , im told that BMW , stands for, Black, Mans, Willy.
  2. it's been a long time since i had one of these tempermental swines, i can't remember for the life of me how i used to set them , but once you suss it, wright it down and take photos, because you will be doing it regular.
  3. not for me , it just makes me go bog eyed.
  4. £50----£550. depending on condition. you could always put a bogus add on ebay advertising it as spares, but good runner and see what is offered,just to get an idea of the public intrest. it cost about 40p for three days . then pull it out of the auction , give a good excuse then they dont moan , ie it got stole or your shed fell ontop of it.
  5. well with all that said , who am i to hold a grudge, thanks chums. like they all say it's just banter, try some of what wild foamy suggest and see how you go to start with, then get back to us fur some technical stuff. ( and i ment lose weight of the bike silly)
  6. CUE THE TWINS. you wouldn't want these beast on ya leg for too long.
  7. at the end of the day , your petrol has been paid for, you can leave with your fuel, it should then be up to him to persue you for the return of his money, if he can be arsed to run it through the justice system..
  8. fix that seat first, welcome to the madhouse dude.
  9. check out our very own , well not exactly our own, ,, oil man.
  10. i would have let him pay ,then fuck off and let him sort out his own bill aswell. the cheeky cunt.
  11. that sounds alright to me paul, have a good un.
  12. thanks ogb don't fire it andy, it can't be that bad. we will be their around dinner onwards.
  13. WELL,,, are you going or WOT. me and jaushua2 are,
  14. who, said this show had already been done clicky here, http://www.northmanc....co.uk/home.htm
  15. afterburner is what you need , or make your own out of a spark plug.
  16. well,, ill be a dutch man,,, iv,e nether heard that one before, also riding a two stroke means your toes are too occupied to have time to lift them from there busy office.
  17. yea, you certainly got better weather than i did ,that old geezer looks the dogs on that by the way, although , i wouldn,t wear it.
  18. this was shit,,, it pissed down ,all day my dogs got wet, they were not happy at all. and my car smells of wet dog....
  19. up.yours


    this is drewps at the bolton fest , her,s the girl with a voice like an angle the group it was nice to meet up again drewpy, awsome kids, i bet your well chuffed with the preformence. take note all you builders out there. this is how your jeans should be worn.
  20. stick ya foot out how does that one work..
  21. when i take my stablizers of my bike , this is what im gonna do.
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