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Everything posted by up.yours

  1. all rotting, has anyone seen watchmerot.com hmmm
  2. it's all down to the subconcience mind, on a bike you aint a threat to a car. nothing to do with size and shape or colour , you could fit a bloody big beacon on your head ,it won't make a differance.
  3. have you put the red wire/terminal to the + and the black wire/terminal to the - on the battery. also re-check the fuse, as i checked my fuse four times once, and it ended up being the bluddy fuse. also , some battery's come unfilled, is yours full.
  4. i wouldn't buy this idea, it's down to a dress code with me , IE matt black helmet matt black jacket jeans matt boots. a lot of bikers go for this look hence the popularity of this type of clothing, im not saying it's a shit idea, cos it's not, it's a good idea, but this is my input that you asked for, ps, see you two at the toy run you two old crusties.....
  5. don't be cheeky andy, theirs no way she will swallow that frame.
  6. i keep now't. i even throw part empty oil and antifreez away, i just hate clutter. i do have one spare plug though.
  7. i hope your video's better than your photography pat.i thought i had the wifes glasses on. on a more complimentry point , you soon got that stripped down ,as i havn't even sorted the indicators on my rev n go yet. looking forward to the next update mate.
  8. send her round here she can ,,,?,,, well just send her round..
  9. how feckin stupid am i, just after retrieving my malteser from under my seat ? i looked up and saw a very irrate biker giving me the V, i thought WTF , i,ll smack the little fucker, ? then it sank in . anyhoo , iff you had a close call in breightmet on the 7-011-11 and your one of our members , please exept my humble appoliges. and keep your eyes pealed , as i have a bag of m&m's to go at next time im out.
  10. JUST SAY IT,, i know what you mean. you mean ugly fat don't ya. im not stupid.
  11. up.yours

    Link Sugestion

    your just too technicaly minded.
  12. AND ya fuckin wuz speedin , wern't ya you little fecker.
  13. up.yours

    Link Sugestion

    don't annoy me , ? i like to page back, it's fun.
  14. it's worth millions, hold on to it.
  15. santa suit has been pulled out of the attic in anticipaition .
  16. yea, we can go for a burn up after, ? if you can keep up.
  17. nice choice of words barky chears my old mans had the op and back home. dr says he's happy with op , and hope he recovers well. the silly bugger can't stay still, i have to keep reminding him he's recovering from major surgary,
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