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Everything posted by Paulwhite

  1. ur best bet would be to just keep the holes then when it comes to mot time you could put bolts in, to put it back standard.
  2. nice one m8 guess i was wrong about the cdi but good to know you have sorted it
  3. as far as i know the xvs is the newer version of the xv (engine wise) the cam timing is different so probably be wise to get an xv 250 ecu/icu (whatever u want to call it) the airbox should be fine, but you will need to do some serious re-jetting of the carb to get it right. as to the loom ur best bet would be to get a wiring diagram of both the xvs125 and the xv250 then compare them to eachother.
  4. 1.its made from plastic 2.dont know the dimentions but it wraps round the wheel to about half way up the rim. so say its level with the swing arm for a rough guide
  5. its a good idea and probably will work have you got a warranty? cause this mod will void it. plus you would need to check with ur mot station to see if they would pass it. cause i know that my place wont unless the exhaust is either the standard or a road legal equivalent. its a good mod and will make the bike sound better but you need to just check b4 u start hacking away. ur best bet would be to buy some aftermarket slash cut exhausts. then all you do is swap the exhaust for mot time.
  6. we have contact! someone from the link i posted, has replied saying its going to take 3 weeks and cost about £50 horay! iv decided to go for the 46 tooth as i can tweak it with different size front sprockets. il keep everyone updated with how it goes... never know when other people might need to find somewhere in the uk that can make a sprocket.
  7. guess there getting that little bit closer to the dream of godzilla!
  8. uv not been on here for a while have you KirriePete (have a search for a post called WOO HOO)iv got a honda cbr 125 6speed engine in there which has a little more poke plus the bike is quite a bit lighter and yes it is a 59 (i was going off memory...too many fumes at work me thinks) but the cbr uses a 2.3 to 1 ratio so im going for something in between. at the moment im getting 45 mph ....top speed.... which is pants lol iv sent an e-mail to the ppl in the link that i posted but still no reply. oh and littlepig wemoto do a standard tooth (which is what iv got) and one with 3 teeth less but it wont give me the ratio im after.
  9. wow ... why didnt they teach this stuff at school? i might of payed more attention to history!
  10. littlepig i cant see why not. the xvs 125 is exactly the same frame as the 250 so makes sense that the mounts are in the same place. so yeah should be a straight swap......ish think you would have to get hold of the 250 cdi unit, carb and filter....think the exhaust is the same ...but not sure on that one. i think all they have done to the 125 version is swap the crank, pistons and cylinders in the engine then got a cdi to suit. all from the 250.
  11. iv had loads of near misses but iv been quite lucky..... iv seen some ppl that havent been though. was out one day and seen a fresh accident... a power ranger on his green ninja had somehow gone into the back of a builders pickup truck thing was this pickup truck had an open back as there was a load of studding poking out of it, the bikes front end was in bits under the pickup and this bloke was on the curb with a 4 foot bit of studding going through his helmet! luckily the studding went through his mouth from the visor and out the bottom of his jaw. unlucky bloke. iv heard a story of someone having an accident, getting up, dusting themselves off finding that there ok, then dropping dead when they take there helmet off cause half there skull is still inside. ooo ever seen the world of gore? thats quite good. it shows allot of accidents in china and japan (where helmets are not required) a wire mesh fence turns into cheese wire for your head from 30mph!
  12. id do your pilot jet 1st as thats the most important, then start it up and do some checks, then the needle, (start up and check again) then the main if its running lean on top.
  13. iv found these guys My link sent them an e-mail ....so its just a waiting game to see if they reply. (fingers crossed)
  14. soz for posting so much but i have tried the search with no luck. custom made sprockets, im in need of a xvs 125 rear sprocket with about 45/46 teeth on it. not sure if they make one but im willing to have one made....one problem .......i cant find anyone in the uk that make a 428 pitch sprocket. plenty of US websites but no uk ones dont suppose anyone knows of a site or a phone number of somewhere that make sprockets to order? at the mo iv got a standard 63 tooth on back and a 16 tooth on front so thats a 3.9 to 1 ratio, would like to be somewhere in the 2.8 to one as i have no top end and its like an aprillia rs 50 (restricted) (boo hoo hoo )
  15. well the only majour mods iv done is the engine change and cut the rear fender mount off. the rest is just cosmetic. and im going to post an update when iv got some more things done. its not looking any diferant at the moment.
  16. no its not that. iv only got 10mm spare on the bolt (if i remove the washer) and the mount looks like its about 15 to 20mm. if im paying that kind of money i dont want to be cutting it . plus it has a light ....which i dont need so its a case of take it off and cut off the bracket for it. too much cutting involved. id rather buy one that i can just buy and fit on. if i cant find one then il make one ......might make a few to sell on here lol. any offers on price? lmao
  17. cheers m8 iv seen them on google but it dont look like it will attach as the mount hole is too wide
  18. cheers m8 and its alot of work to bobber an xvs 125 but i plan to keep the bike for a while so its worth it ....for me anyway
  19. nutta! .....looks like good fun though
  20. mint iv seen somethin similar but the barrel didnt revolve! wonder what thats doing to the exhaust gasses? its a nice looking can but think it would look a little out of place...unless you did a gun themed bike. needs an afterburner mod to make it look like its firing! .....bet that would make a few ppl fill there pants.
  21. ahh so thats what these 4 nuts were for! but seriously thats bad, lets hope the wheel manufacturer sorts it out
  22. ha ha! think i need a new laptop as iv just spat me brew all over the screen that needs to be pinned to yamabyss!!!
  23. just wondered if there was a number plate side mount for the xvs 125?? was gonna make one but im running out of time to complete the build so buying one will save me a load of time .....that if there is one lol. oh and it needs to be on the left of the bike (dont know what side they do) il be searching on google in a mo but if anyone spots one or knows of where to get one can they give me a shout cheers. .Paul.
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