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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex

    loves from Turkey

    Hey welcome murat get some pics up!
  2. Thats a good beer story!
  3. Have a good one mate!
  4. Alex


    Well lucky your alright could have been worse! bloody diesels
  5. God you need a job mate! i sooo thought this was a joke Im not meaning to sound rude or anything, but its a bit of a shite questionairre for a degree project! most of the answers arnt quantifiable so how are you going to have any sort of accuracy in calculating stats, and some questions cant be answered accurately by all people anyway heres my shot at it.... go and click on my ad as a thankyou 1. What is your estimated annual mileage? (Delete as appropriate) Less than 1000 miles 1000 – 3000 miles 3000 – 5000 miles 5000 – 8000 miles 8000 miles + 2. What type of biker would you class yourself to be? (Delete as appropriate) Cruiser/Custom Sports Biker Tourer Sport Tourer Below 500cc x 3. What is the size of your current motorcycle? (Delete as appropriate) Below 250cc 250 – 500cc 500 – 750cc 750 – 1000cc 1000cc + NA 4. What is the main use of your motorcycle? (Delete as appropriate) Pleasure Commuting Work/Business 5. How satisfied are you with your current motorcycle? (Delete as appropriate) Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very Unsatisfied NA 6. What motorcycle brands have you previously purchased? And how many of each? (ie. 4 Suzuki’s, 3 Honda’s, 2 Kawasaki’s ,1 Benelli, 2 Harley Davidsons, Etc.) 1 suzuki 2 hondas 4 yamahas 1 montessa 1 malaguti 7. What was the main influence when buying your present motorcycle? (performance, price, quality, appearance, reliability, age (if applicable), etc) age NA 8. Which of the following influences you most when buying a motorcycle. (please rate first through to fifth in order of preference) Price 5 Design 1 Quality 3 Power 4 Brand Image 2 9. Do you primarily buy new or secondhand motorcycles? (please answer new or secondhand) secondhand 10. What level of mechanical expertise do you have of motorcycles? (Nothing, Novice, Rookie, Moderate, Mechanic/Expert) moderate 11. If you have owned a Suzuki motorcycle, how many have you owned? (enter either a number or N/A) Answered in previous question! 12. From your knowledge of the Suzuki brand how would you rate the… (please answer for each a rating of 1 to 5, 5 being excellent, 1 being poor) Price 3 Design 3 Quality 3 Power 5 Brand Image 4 THIS DEPENDS ON THE BIKE! 13. What qualities do you perceive Suzuki’s brand image to hold? (suggestions: Expensive/Cheap, Creative, New/Old Design, Traditional, Boring, Fun, Exclusive, Inspiring, Stylish, Young, etc.) cheap, fun 14. If you were to purchase a new Suzuki motorcycle, how much would you prepared to spend? (Delete as appropriate) Less than 2000 £000000000 2000 – 4000 4000 – 6000 6000 – 8000 8000 + I wouldnt buy a new motorcycle 15. If you have ever had your bike serviced by a Suzuki dealership, how would you rate their quality of after sales service? (5 = Excellent, 1 = Poor) NA 16. What puts you off of the Suzuki brand image? Who said it did? 17. What do you like about the Suzuki brand image? fun 18. Are you effected by brand images when purchasing a motorcycle? obviously - If so, does the Suzuki brand image effect you, and how? no - If so., does other brand images affect you on purchasing a Suzuki brand? yes 19. How would you improve the Suzuki brand image? better build quality 20. What would make you buy a Suzuki, if you haven’t already bought a Suzuki? new gsxr750 21. If you do have a Suzuki motorcycle, what would influence you more to buy the brand?. new model
  6. Alex


    Wasnt this posted before... still funny the second time
  7. Alex

    my turn!

    Lucky it wasnt a yam!!! Glad your allright mate, i wanted to cry when i came off my bike
  8. Thats good of you Nick wish i could make it!
  9. Alex

    new member

    Hmm no matter how i respond to that it can be taken the wrong way!!! Anyway another aussie... god im getting jealous and wish i was back in sydney
  10. I have a SHARK RSR Barros This is the only pic i can find
  11. Alex

    Brilliant ride

    Heres mine just outside my work
  12. Wouldnt surprise me mate!
  13. How would you know mate Anyway hiya Dizzy... just reminded me of an old computer game Massive 2 meg game!!! Anyway enough of this retro crap... welcome aboard!
  14. Alex


    My girlfriends at work
  15. > > > ITALIAN BOY CONFESSION > > > > > > Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose woman. The > > > priest asked, "Is that you, little Johnny Parisi? > > > Yes, Father it is. > > > And who was the woman you were with? > > > I can't tell you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation. > > > Well, Johnny, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later, so you may > > > as > > > well tell me now. > > > Was it Tina Minetti? > > > I cannot say. > > > Was it Teresa Volpe? > > > I'll never tell. > > > Was it Nina Capeli? > > > I'm sorry but I cannot name her. > > > Was it Cathy Piriano? > > > My lips are sealed. > > > Was it Rosa Di Angelo, then? > > > Please, Father, I cannot tell you. > > > The priest sighs in frustration. You're very tight lipped, Johnny Parisi > > > and > > > I admire that. But you've sinned and have to atone. You cannot attend > > > church services for 4 months. Now you go and behave yourself. > > > Johnny walks back to his pew, and his friend Nino slides over and > > > whispers, > > > What'd you get? > > > Four months vacation and five good leads...
  16. DICTIONARY FOR DECODING WOMEN'S PERSONAL ADS: 40-ish................................49 Adventurous......................Slept with everyone. Athletic...............................No breasts. Average looking....................Mooooooo. Beautiful.............................Pathological liar. Emotionally Secure................On medication. Feminist................................Fat. Free spirit............................Junkie. Friendship first......................Former sl*t. New-Age............................Body hair in the wrong places. Old-fashioned.......................No BJs. Open-minded.......................Desperate. Outgoing...........................Loud and Embarrassing. Professional..........................B*tch. Voluptuous..........................Very Fat. Large frame.........................Hugely Fat. Wants Soul mate..................Stalker. WOMEN'S ENGLISH: 1. Yes = No 2. No = Yes 3. Maybe = No 4. We need = I want 5. I am ! sorry = You'll be sorry 6. We need to talk = You're in trouble 7. Sure, go ahead = You better not 8. Do what you want = You will pay for this later 9. I am not upset = Of course, I am upset, you moron! 10. You're certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think about? MEN'S ENGLISH: 1. I am hungry = I am hungry 2. I am sleepy = I am sleepy 3. I am tired = I am tired 4. Nice dress = Nice cleavage! 5. I love you = Let's have sex now 6. I am bored = Do you want to have sex? 7. May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you. 8. Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you. 9. Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you. 10. Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you. 11. I don't think those shoes go with that outfit = I'm gay
  17. Oh how so true ... bloddy french
  18. Alex

    need your brains

    Pretty sure that the certificate wont make any difference to them mate, arnt they registered to the bike?
  19. Alex

    What's happenin?

    Hiya too you both!
  20. Alex

    XBOX MotoGP

    Video clip here http://www.eurogamer.tv/index.php?playlist...sbcgb9b1s3dmiv2
  21. I have to say she always looks so happy thats a plus to me
  22. When i used to motorcross as a kid i could never touch the ground... not a problem just lean the bike over
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