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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex


    Hi Robbo welcome! There is quite a few of you XT riders on here now... tempted myself for commuting.
  2. Alex

    Still here

    Hi guys, Im sorry for no explanation being given. Unfortunatly we are only able to send emails to users who granted us permission to do so on signing up. (There is a tick box you must have unchecked) All users should have recived an email explaining the situation. Im sorry that you were missed out, and its good advice given, we will put a post up explaining the situation. Thanks for your understanding Alex
  3. Welcome back Mervin, that sure was a flying visit
  4. Keep us updated mate... looks like your going to be busy!
  5. Yes ok I forgot to mention I sold it
  6. Alex

    I,m still here

    Mozzy gots a 50 and hes 16 stone!
  7. Alex

    My toy

    Looks nice... would look even nicer with a nice high rise exhaust
  8. Alex

    Still here

    Only two things guaranteed in life "Death and taxes"
  9. Alex

    getting away with it!

    Come on tom scan it and upload it if its that good
  10. Know how you feel mate, thats why i bought my bike
  11. Alex


    Hi Adam, welcome mate. Get some photos of your bike up in the garage.
  12. Come on thats no excuse if no one posted there would be nothing to read
  13. Sounds like you had a good ride, just a shame about our shitty weather!
  14. Alex

    Still here

    To be honest would rather not accept donations as think you should get something back in return, there has been a Garage implemented where you can upload images etc of your bikes/modifications etc if you would like to help out you could always upgrage your membership to pro so that you can use it http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php...utocom=registry The club has been around for around 5 years now always completely free! But would love to be able to create more exposure of it, but of course the more users there are, the more images are hosted and downloaded the more it costs to run. But the more users who use this site the better it will be for all of us so have implemented a subscription system for new users. I don't belive any existing user should have to pay as you guys have all helped create this community. Also the payment scheme in theory will completly stop any spam and all the junk we have often had. So thanks to everyone for helping us get this far and get using the garage ;-)
  15. Alex


    Ooh you traitor
  16. Chc have you got any photos of your MT-03?
  17. Hi Phil get some photos up of your bike
  18. Alex

    found it again

    Get some photos up guys
  19. Alex


    Someone on here has one i remember them posting a photos, they do look like a beast
  20. Alex

    Still here

    Yep unfortunatly for NEW members I have had to make the hard decision of charging for use, it's got to the point now where I really can't afford to keep paying for the bandwidth and the software out of my own pocket. Any existing member will not be charged just for new members. Alternatively i could put banners up but would prefer not to. This small payment will also hopefully stop all the idiots we get signing up to post spam and links to their products/websites etc.
  21. Yeah so much for our summer! Its been pissing it down almost 24/7 for the last few weeks in Brighton
  22. You need to drill out the rivets from the end can, take some out, and then re rivet it all back up.
  23. Just take some of the insulation out if you want to make it louder
  24. Welcome Ozzy! I think an R1 may have to be my next bike Have you got any photos?
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