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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Alex


    Cheers guys. I spent the last few days celebrating, with multiple steaks, wine tour of the hunter valley and diving long reef :-)
  2. Hiya, thanks for the feedback. Completely understand that there needs to be a page with clear pricing and benefits. I have just been putting it off as I knew that there was a new version coming out of IPB, and have so many other changes which are going to be needed, is at the bottom of the list. IPB3 has just been released, once the other modules which this board runs are converted the forums will move to IPB3, once the upgrade has been complete and the reskinning that will be first on the list. Cheers Alex
  3. What the hell was that?
  4. Thanks for the self moderation there, I am rather curious however
  5. THat's great. I love the last part when he's spining round with the bike
  6. Lets hope it's not raining! Looks easy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_7EzztxBx0...feature=related
  7. Alex

    Gallery Down

    All fixed. Let me know if you have any problems.
  8. Alex

    Gallery Down

    Just an update to let you know that we are currently working on the photo gallery to get it back up and running, ETA 12 hours. You can access the Gallery here: http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php?autocom=gallery
  9. Alex

    Live Chat Module

    Hi we've just installed live chat functionality for paying members, you can access the live chat from the navigation at the top of the page. We may upgrade the functionality of this software depending on how it is used and what your comments are from using it, so please keep us updated with your thoughts. If you would like to upgrade your membership to take advantage of this new chat functionality please upgrade your membership from within your control panel. The additional benefits of upgrading are the use of the photo gallery, the garage and further functionality with messaging and storage, and discounts with various motorcycle parts and accessories dealers.
  10. They are using people to get around the captcha, and then running bots once the account has been setup. Unfortunately there is no real way of actually stopping this, even manually approving all registrations wouldn't help. The best we can do is to monitor PM/Email usage and add flood control to the forums which will only allow users to send so many messages per hour. It's a little annoying though when responding to several PMs, I've even set this up on my admin account to ensure that the forums are as safe as possible. We're also looking at adding live chat functionality which should help with internal board communication. Watch this space :-)
  11. Darren, that's a great idea. I never actually thought about using the facebook group for messaging when the site is down. I will do this in the future, see you on facebook :-)
  12. Sorry that I was unable to notify the reason for the site being down for the last day, I had to immediately take down the forums as we had been infilitrated by spammers which were sending out thousands of emails and PM. It was noted at one point 1500 emails per hour were being sent and the quickest way to deal with this was to immidiately take down the forums until the solution had been resolved. IPB the makers of this software have just realised a patch which has fixed this issue. http://forums.invisionpower.com/topic/2829...ip-board-2-3-6/ Thanks to all of those who have pointed out the spam messages and notifying us of the site down time. Cheers Alex
  13. Hi, there was an issue with certain members not having the functionality to add raw HTML, hence the option was not available. This has now been fixed so everyone should be able to see the dropdown.
  14. Hey TheSaffer, I edited your post, you embedded it correctly, but you need to also select HTML ON from the post options when posting.
  15. Alex

    newby in oz

    Welcome mate, I'm going to be in Oz within two weeks, I'm moving there and can't wait :-)
  16. Sorry for late reply. I haven't managed to sort out the sticker stuff yet as am in the process of moving to Sydney. I am moving in just under two weeks and am really behind on the moving malarky! Anyway my point being is that I need to get a large batch made which isn't particulary expensive, it's just that delivery will take a while from Australia to you folks in the UK, USA etc. I have been looking at a couple of companies where you can order direct, and hope to get this sorted out at the weekend.
  17. http://www.fandome.com/flashplayer/sportsbox.swf' height='380' width='480' bgcolor='234463' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' flashvars='volume=100&stretching=exactfit&autostart=true&backcolor=234463&frontcolor=FFFFFF&state=PLAYING&lightcolor=B7B7B7&logo=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fandome.com%2Fimg%2Fwatermark.png&image=http%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2Flazyimgbig%2F109736.jpg&link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fandome.com%2Fvideo%2F109736%2FCrazy-Mike-Gaboff-in-Motorcycle-Accident-%2F&file=http%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2Flazyjock%2F109736.flv&plugins=yourlytics-1,quickkeys-1,googlytics-1,viral-1'/>
  18. Alex


    After many requests through the "feedback" tab on the left, this forum has been added. I was wanting to wait until this software gets updated as the new software will allow better functionality in posting videos and other rich content. It looks like it's going to be another month before it gets updated so I thought it best to add now. Enjoy. To post a video, copy and paste their embed code into the post panel, and select "html on" from the "post options" section.
  19. Come on guys this is completely unaceptable. Handai you have been suspended for the next 7 days. Keep it up and you will be banned.
  20. The help functionality is for help in using this software, the forums.
  21. In case you haven't realised the majority of questions can be answered here: http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/index.php?act=Help
  22. To cancel your subscription to the forum/post which you have subscriped to, which will stop the automatic emails, please do the following: Go to My Controls->View Topics.. Click the checkbox beside the topic you want to unsubscribe to Then select "Unsubscribe" from the dropdown and press "Go"
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