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Everything posted by Alex

  1. Hmm.... Alex goes looking for a large pumpkin
  2. Alex


    My mates a police man, and he is the most unfit person i know... he was telling me they had to lower the bleep test as too many people were failing... its only level 4-5 i cant remember which... basically slow jogging speed.
  3. Alex


    Dont think i would have been too keen to ride your 500.... i remember the 250 used to make the ground shake
  4. Alex

    wtf is going on

    Well its still a ford.... Fix Or Repair Daily
  5. Alex


    Always remember almost coming off my bike just after the rear section had been resprayed... typical council workers covering a bend in sand!!!!
  6. I was banned from driving in Victoria.... this pic says it all
  7. Alex

    Valentines Day

    There has been over 2200 downloads of them today! Around 5000 this week
  8. Alex

    Valentines Day

    Well just realised why im getting around 2000 uniques a day to my portfolio site...... Tesco Value Valentines Cards Thought they may be of use to save some money for bike parts
  9. So when did you get your haircut Well here is a pic of my old bike... Need to find a suitable replacement
  10. Sod that with drum brakes!
  11. Alex


    Welcome to the forums mate, in regards to the DT mozzy is your man. I had an older DTR which had the powervalve open and it was fine... whats your CR i used to have a CR250 my best off road bike ever!
  12. Alex

    fao alex

    Well what happened to you then Mozz...
  13. Alex


    Would have been worth the laugh
  14. I really want to buy an Xbox now ive seen MotoGP
  15. Hello mate.... dont know who is from manchester but im sure someone will be
  16. Hey welcome mate... nice car too I used to have an old MK3 turbo... ran about 350bhp if i remember, best car i ever had nothing ever went wrong... too expensive on fuel for me though so had to buy a bike instead
  17. Alex

    The car wash

    I love the things, i want one with the oval window but just sooo expensive. I want mine black with these wheels want different caps to these though And of course cream leather...
  18. Alex

    fao mods and admin

    Theres hundreds here mozz you can hotlink to http://www.mysmilies.com/
  19. Alex

    The car wash

    I never knew you had a bug! get some pics up
  20. Yeah it looks cool! http://www.yamahaclub.com/cms/content/view/53/2/
  21. Alex

    The car wash

    Well this is really sad... but the geek in me got the better. I decompiled the flash movie, to see if there was any easter eggs.... however there wasnt but heres a few i think no one would guess! airbags model murder cyborg candy heat bulge david brent limbo feed ball lens herbie is cool
  22. Alex

    wtf is going on

    You cant deny it either mozzy... cant come down to brighton without wanting to look me up
  23. Alex


    I work as a Search engine analyst. Really like the job just a real pain having to catch the park and ride every morning...
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