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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Maybe people weren't really interested! I wasn't, harsh as it may sound.
  2. If the part number is 248-14451-00-00 then you could look out for air filters for the following models: 1969 AT1E 1969 AT1M 1969 CT1 1970 AT1B 1970 AT1MB 1970 ATM1B 1970 CT1B 1971 AT1C 1971 AT1MX 1971 CT1C Which should be the same. As with everything, check before you buy.
  3. Just in time for the summer.
  4. My YA has a one piece paper and mesh jobbie so I brought a NOS one for that but the TS has a cage where the foam can be replaced.
  5. You can get filter foam off fleabay. Is it a cage that holds replacement foam or has the foam or paper element perished? Photos are always good.
  6. LINKY Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Don't watch if you are squeamish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yr5iNosw9w
  8. If setting the carb up correctly doesn't help and the bike revs, when you let the throttle off it keeps high revs and slowly comes down, doesn't idle and tries to die without constant blipping of the throttle. Sounds like classic crank seal issues. Do you know when they were changed last?
  9. Ops. It is. For some reason I was thinking SR. No tappets then. At least the engine is easier to work on. Note to self - read the question first. You will need to get the head and barrel off to take a good look and have a wiggle.
  10. I could be even richer if I put my £400 RD up for sale according to this item on fleabay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321224042130?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Mine, as it stands at the moment
  11. Before you do anything else, change the battery. It is knackered. At this point tell us if you still have any issues with the electrics. Indicators and brake lights use power from the battery, which you don't have. Don't mess with anything else electrical until you do that. As for the tapping, the first thing is to check the tappets. There are exhaust and inlet tappets on the bike and these are easy to get to and adjust. Use the search facility on the forum as the method and measurement of these have been posted many times. Both the battery change and tappet adjustment are very easy jobs. Once these are done, and if there is not difference, then things get a little harder. You should be able to change the battery and adjust the tappets in less that 2 hours with limited mechanical knowledge. About 15 minutes once you are familiar with the bike.
  12. DirtyDT

    tinted visor

    I just added a current 5% discount code in the paid members section for Ghostbikes. It may not apply to everything but you can test it before you buy in the checkout. Not sure when it runs out.
  13. I don't use the photo sharing function but if it links the picture OK then I see no problem. My only concern with an app, or Google, Farcebook and other tax dodging shite companies is that they are starting to use an individuals information and photo to recommend items and you may not even know about it. I use my own server to host my pictures and use other internet links for photos that are not mine.
  14. DirtyDT

    tinted visor

    Ghostbikes do some good deals. There are often discount codes available too. I haven't posted any for a while but keep an eye out in the members discount area.
  15. DirtyDT

    tinted visor

    Joe public doesn't have to. I could be wrong but my understanding is that it can't have a road use kite mark if the tint is too dark. It may have a race mark. Police have little devices which can measure the tint at the roadside, they use them for mainly boy racer window tints but they could/do also use them for visors. Maybe the wrong time of the year to get a dark tinted visor although the low sun in the mornings or evenings can make riding difficult. Not surprising then that those jet fighter style secondary visors are so popular on some lids, they can be flicked up or down and don't affect the clear main visors.
  16. DirtyDT

    tinted visor

    Here you go Kev LINKY
  17. Takes after his mum does he? I think he still has to do all of it Kev, theory and all. More cash for the Government.
  18. My humblest apologies Mike. I take care to attempt to use the correct spelling, grammar and punctuation when I post. Andrew - You can turn the Tapatalk strap line ad, that appears every time you post, off in the app settings.
  19. No Mike. It takes a forum and shuffles it to look and work well on a phone.
  20. Airhead is an excellent bloke. I always look forward to meeting up with him for a chat.
  21. I have locked this thread. I can't see anything positive in inviting forum members to have a pop at each other and one persons "banter" may not be perceived as that to the recipient. Natural banter comes out of threads organically. That is why this forum is so much better than most. If there are people on the forum that an individual doesn't like then I suggest that they just keep away from their threads and comments.
  22. It is an app to use on your phone which has a better look and good functionality for forums such as this. This forum is set up to use it. I was skeptical when I first heard of it but use it all the time now for this and the other forums. LINKY There is a free, ad free. Worth a try in my humble.................
  23. I wonder how long it will be before a mod locks this thread?
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