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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. A good time to remind everyone to remember to take extra care due to slippery roads and reduced light at this time of the year. A mature biker was killed on my commute to work (the A60) yesterday morning after a collision with a BMW at a junction. Not sure what happened but the road was closed for around 6 hours.
  2. The fuel sounds like the jet isn't opening or the floats are stuck and not allowing fuel into the carb. have you a bowl plug or screw you can undo to see if the fuel is filling the bowl? That said, that sounds like the least of your troubles, Grinding!!! barrel off time I think or you will knacker the rebore. You need to get into the top end to sort that out.
  3. DirtyDT

    Deja vu

    There is a 2005 complete engine here with 15k miles on it. £299 plus £25 postage. LINKY. It would be a couple of hours to take the old one out and put this one in (assuming nothing major changed between 2005 and 2006).
  4. There are some very stupid people about. Darwin was right.
  5. Another thing is to try the above with the fuel cap off. Sometimes the fuel cap gets a blocked vent which can make it difficult for the fuel to be sucked into the carb. Once running, the vacuum caused by the piston does the job and sucks the fuel and the symptoms are more prevalent during a cold start.
  6. As slices answer really. Plug out. A little 2 stroke in the plug hole. With the plug still out kick it over a couple of times. Pour some fuel down the plug hole, plug back in and try again. If you have compression and a spark the only other thing you need is fuel, delivered at the right time. If the plug is dry I would investigate fuel first. If the plug was wet then I would also look at timing.
  7. Hi and welcome. Lots of DT and general 2 stroke lovers on the forum. Start a thread in the workshop section with your woes.
  8. I think you will find that is not strictly true. The Royal Mail collect the due custom charges the same as business collect the VAT on a purchase. They do not pay for your parcel. I spent many years working for Royal Mail including about 5 working for Royal Mail international. I have worked with the customs guys from London, Dover, Birmingham and Glasgow. I have worked on international cross charging for the Universal Postal Union. My point was that I thought £8 was excessive. No different to, back in the day, when we all went into the post offices to buy our road tax. The counter staff would take your cash and the post office counters had at least a 30 day account to transfer that money on to the government. The interest on all of the road tax money held for those 30 days accounted for multi millions of pounds in interest for Royal Mail.
  9. I've read the book but am recording the film.
  10. If you did it on line or by phone you should get a 14 day cooling off period. I think (not sure) they have to inform you of this. The cooling-off period starts from when the policy begins or when you receive your policy documents, whichever is later. So if you are within these time periods, just use this. It's the law.
  11. Define "s##t!" Water in spark plug cap Water around the coil Water in the engine crank area Water in the oil Grit in the carb jets Water in the combustion chamber Water in the exhaust All possibles.
  12. Ouch. That was harsh Kev!
  13. Well, thats the end of that thread. Topic locked.
  14. I buy a lot of stuff from the states. Even if you pay the duty it can still work out cheaper. Sometimes the duty gets missed and that can be a bonus. Most of the TS NOS parts came from either online shops or fleabay in the states. I do object to Royal Mail charging a huge chunk for collecting any duty but that may just be me. I haven't had anything from the USA that I had to contemplate sending back. Be careful of canada though. The stuff can take months to arrive, the us I believe, doesn't offer a surface mail service to the uk any more so it costs more but can arrive the same week.
  15. Oh dear! Please play nicely. Thank you.
  16. Can I please ask that everyone plays nicely with each other? Thank you.
  17. They are early this year. They don't normally do this until a few days before crimbo. I have some of their professional tools, including a socket set, as I tend to buy a different set - or 2 - each year when they have these offers. For the money; they are great. Especially at the current prices. Great post Drewps!
  18. I thought RST made long leg. Their Rift textile trousers are very good.
  19. DirtyDT


    A mince pie and some reindeer sweat.
  20. A half eaten apple and a packet of birdseed.
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