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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Hi and welcome to the forum Steve. Lots of 2 stroke lovers on here and a few of us admit to being on the dark side and owning a Suki. The clubs annual meet is at Squires in September. Have a look in the events section to see what it is all about. A have a couple of RD's myself but of the air cooled variety and a 2 stroke Suzi trails amongst my collection at the moment.
  2. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  3. You may get more replies if you say hello in the new members section. Look for late YA parts, early YB parts and Santa Barbara parts. Some should be common. Remember that later bike parts would also be used as many bikes shared parts over many years.
  4. Don't forget to post a picture of the picture.
  5. The place we rode put to on the Saturday. Squires to seaways and back.
  6. Scotland! You brought Scotland???? Can I come for a long holiday please, I love it there.
  7. John, I have always fancied a Kwaka triple. Damn!! Come on, what is the new one? It seems both you and Drewps have something on the horizon but are keeping very quite about it. Er.......... you and Andy haven't "got together", have you? My third RD400 rolling frame/project is due the beginning of July so, unless I see something sooner, that will be my next one.
  8. Hi Paul. Aquablasting....................... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm now there's an idea.
  9. I look forward to seeing it. Give us a clue, 2 stroke? Cheers NE0. I heard that screenwash works well in them.
  10. Most of the wiring on most bikes meet behind the headlight. Sometimes the problem is apparent. a connection that looks loose, a frayed wire etc. I would start with seeing if the problem happens when the handlebars are turned left or right. I would then take the headlight lens (front) off and see if any pushing of wires creates the issue which may narrow where the problem lies. Then check anything that is a black wire and all of those connectors, then the rest. Connectors can corrode inside where they join and often just need a clean. Don't be tempted to pull out loads of wires. One wire and connector at a time.
  11. New ybr - take it back to the dealers New to you, I would suggest that these have a common earth and that is loose. Almost certain that the issue is behind the headlight but it will be a wiring jungle behind there. Headlight lens off and search for the problem. Mostly earth wires are black,
  12. Come on, what is the new toy Drewps?
  13. Hi and welcome to the forum. Probably a bad connection - feed or earth - but you will really need to post the question in the workshop section as this section is just for saying hello in (which you have done).
  14. Never rely on the neutral light. Always release the clutch slowly even if you think you are not in gear. False neutrals are common in motorcycle gearboxes. Tips for pulling away? Practice.
  15. Hi and welcome to the forum. Lots of 2 stroke lovers here.
  16. The ultrasonic clearer came today. I had to rush out and try it. Before: RD400 carb I didn't clean the carb with gunk - as I would normally do, I just put it in the cleaner with some ultrasonic carb fluid and water at 50 degrees for 20 minutes. After It looks very, very clean. I will try the other carb with a Gunk clean on the outside first, a slightly higher temperature and for slightly longer. Very happy with the results. Please see my post in the Members area
  17. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  18. What do you need removing?
  19. I ordered them yesterday after lunch and they arrived today. I looked at the receipt and the 2 needle valves were over £14 each excluding VAT - OUCH!! A few other bits arrived too.
  20. Hi and welcome to the forum
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