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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Hi Cynic, No, I am fine'ish now. Still suffering from a very bad sense of humour though Big Yin
  2. Similiar thing happened to me......... I was driving to Halton wearing my flat cap and thinking about my pension. I was turning into my drive when a yobbo on a moped came tearing down the street at about 22 mph. I swerved but was unable to clip him. Bloody yobbos....................
  3. DirtyDT


    I have been there too with a GSXR in Pepsi Suzuki colours Lucky (sic) I was splattered from behind whilst stationary a couple of weeks later so got a new respray all over.
  4. Sounds like an early 250. I am guessing it is 6 volt and should not need a battery to start and run. The yellow and green wires should be the lighting and the rest should be for the engine. black should be earth I am not sure why the greens are together or the yellow is on the coil. If you are getting 9v from the yellow and black then this would power the lights and feed into the battery. I would disconect the greens and take the yellow from the coil. Put a voltmeter across a black and white and kick it to see if you get any power and try the same with the other black. If you do I would connect one black to the frame one black to the neg of the coil and the white to the pos of the coil. Make sure the coil is earthed properly just to make sure. If there is no power I would look at the points behind the stator to see how good or bad these are and change or adjust these and then try the first part again. Have a look HERE
  5. The heading said "New Look" and I only came here because I thought it was a thread about a clothes shop! Much better than Primark, in my opinion.
  6. DirtyDT


    Normally I am waiting for them to finish as my weak bladder is calling. I always hope it is not a long story! At least if it is funny I can genuinely P*ss myself laughing
  7. DirtyDT


    Never has a truer phrase been said! A big "thumb's up" to this one
  8. You are are a seriously bad man!!! I didnt know about Foamy. Has he been hanging around sweet shops again? I thought he knew he was wrong last time - tut!
  9. Long story. Almost dead. Trust me it is true due to a virus. Read below!! At the end of July I had a bad headache. I went to bed but it was still there the following day. I stayed in bed. Next thing I know I woke up in hospital a few days later. Apparently I was not able to communicate or focus on anything so a bit like a zombie and the other half called an ambulance. To be honest I am suprised she noticed there was something wrong . It took 2 hours and a team of 5 people to get me into the ambulance and to the hospital. Apparently I turned into the hulk on the way there and broke all the straps they tied me down with in the ambulance. I am not a big bloke either!! I was in an intensive ward and came round wondering where I was. I thought I had been grabbed by aliens and gang probed! Apparently it was a virus. They are not really sure what it was but think it was Viral Encephalitis. Loads of tubes in me and they had given me a CT scan and a lumber puncher, later a MRI scan and enough blood tests to worry me that I would die of lack of blood. All came back clear. Anyway my Son was having his stag do on the 1st August so I missed that as I had to stay in hospital for 10 days. Came out of hospital and recovered at home for a week. Then went to France for a weeks holiday. Went to Normandy and did a lot of sightseeing including the landing beaches and stuff. Back from France and a few days at home. This weekend I attended my Son's wedding on Bank Holiday Monday. It was a great day but I didn't get in until Tuesday morning at 1.45. Vegged yesterday and back in the real world today. Still recovering really as it has knocked me big time. It didn't help that the guy opposite me in hospital with the same thing was in for 12 weeks and the guy next to me (same again) died. I was very, very lucky! Apart from that, a quiet Month. A couple of wedding photos below. I am the tall, good looking one in the middle of the second picture. Eldest Son and Bride Sons and I
  10. Funny you say that! She told me and 5 of my mates the same thing.
  11. If you have changed most things have you looked to see if the piston in the rear wheel brake fluid reservoir is not sticking on?
  12. .... You started it! No I didn't, you invaded Poland. Oh dear, click here
  13. I was going to say give it a hand full of throttle, that will get the front raised, but I guess that is not what you meant
  14. DirtyDT

    talkin shite

    Let them rattle, it isn't a problem. You can't hear them if you get the exhaust howlling anyway!
  15. No problems. It is not only the fact that the dealers earn out of the servicing but the information retention they are after. As soon as they "lose you" data such as vehicle ownership change, mileage, your personal details (eg change of address) are lost. They would be able to get some information from the SMMT in terms of the average length of ownership (about 18 Months) but you would disappear from their data radar. It is not well know but when you buy a new vehicle which has a 3 year warranty for example the 2nd and 3rd years can be covered by a third party warranty company although the book is from that manufacturer. If you brought a car in the UK from the following manufacturer, franchisee or company around 2000 to 2003 and had a new or extended warranty, I probably had something to do with it. Ford, Suzuki (car), Honda (car), Land Rover, Mazda, Volvo, Daihatsu, Deawoo, TVR, the co-op, Lancaster Group, Alfa Romeo, Renault or Triumph motorcycles plus a few others.
  16. DirtyDT

    talkin shite

    I think sh*te Get the part numbers here and go into the shop and ask for these part numbers. Check the year of the bike is correct. My 250 brakes used to rattle a lot, never bothered me!
  17. DirtyDT


    Most of the beauty of Scotland, the lakes and Wales were caused by glaciers melting and moving hence the Lochs and lakes. Those cavemen and dinosaurs must have had fossil burning vehicles (but I am not sure fossils were around then) or we burnt ourselves out and this IS the second coming.
  18. Yamaha do not need to service the bike. Providing the bike has been serviced in accordance to Yamaha spec then this is good enough not to invalidate the warranty. This rule changed years ago to stop people being tied into a Dealer or manufacturer. This does not mean you or a mate but an accredited motorcycle company. A Yamaha stamp may have a higher perceived value when you sell the bike. But that is the law. Can I also add that I have worked on warranties for many car brands, including what most people would consider to be 2nd and 3rd year manufacturer warranties, and also a well known British bike manufacturer warranty scheme.
  19. DirtyDT


    If I read this I would ask a couple of questions. One objective should be to get rid of forced or unwanted motorcycling by improving walking, cycling and public transport. Why? These are all things which should be done anyway, independently of the problem of motorcycles, Define the problem The danger and nuisance of motorcycling Based on what? start with the machines. Vehicle design, for motorcycles as for cars, should be based on the principle, implemented through construction and use regulations, that no vehicle should consume more non-renewable resources, in its construction, use or ultimate disposal, or cause more danger, pollution, noise or other nuisance than is required for the performance of its transport function. Clearly motorcycle design is not now based on this principle. Based on what? A few years ago I went through a motorcycling magazine and found forty models with a top speed of twice, or more than twice (sometimes much more), the national speed limit. The same applies to cars In fact, it is hard to see why anyone except the police, military and emergency services, needs a powerful, heavy machine at all. However, it may be that some other people do, Do they or don't they? Make your mind up! To the extent that some fast, powerful and heavy machines are still allowed, I thought you said no one needed them! there should be a strict system of graduated driver licensing. This would mean that to be eligible to take the test to ride a motorcycle of a certain grade, riders would have to have held a licence for the machine of the grade one below with a clean record for a specified amount of time. Another tax. Does the same apply to cars? One licence fits all. Responsibility for vehicle regulation has now passed to the EU, which means that progress on motorcycle regulation is likely to be slow, but, as I understand it, responsibility for driver licensing still largely rests with member states. If so, Britain could introduce a strict system of graduated driver licensing quite soon. I have been told that Britain has been the obstacle to progress in Brussels in making construction and use regulations tougher, because of the fear that doing so might damage the interests of British motorcycle manufacturers. I have not attempted to check this point, but the Committee might like to do so. So is this fact or hearsay? Any motorcycle, even a light and relatively low-powered one, designed for use on motorways would be capable of exceeding the speed limit in towns or on other low-speed roads. The development of variable speed limiters, which can be set at or below the speed limit of the road on which the vehicle is being driven at any particular time, is therefore of great importance. Speed limiters can either be externally activated or operated by the driver. Does this apply to other vehicles to? We have speed limiters built in - they are called throttles! I suggest that the Committee ask the DfT what research is taking place on speed limiters for motorcycles, both for new motorcycles and retrofits for machines already in use. If this topic is not now being pursued urgently, I hope the Committee will recommend that it should be. More tax money Even light motorcycles, of limited power and fitted with speed limiters, may be a threat to cyclists and pedestrians. Local authorities should consider banning motorcycles altogether from town centres and other streets much used by these vulnerable people. Why? pedestrians should be on the pavement or should use the green cross code and some cyclists want to run red lights and pull out without looking but they are still under the highway code.
  20. DirtyDT


    Here is my two pence worth. Or should that be 1.5 euros? There is no proof that emissions harm the environment. There are a lot of top scientists out there that dismiss global warming and see it as natures way of working. We only have weather records going back a few Centuries and if you consider the changes to the planet e.g. the movement of plates to separate Countries that were connected, The ice age and the extinction of the dinosaur etc. what was to "blame" for that? If you believe that emissions do harm the environment then it has been well documented that Countries like America, India and China pump out so much industrial sh*t that transport is very low in having an effect. America has already stated that they expect their emissions to rise. Why do you think that these Countries are not signing the treaties to lower emissions? Another theory is methane gas from farmyard animals As someone who has experienced the 250cc learner riding and at that time there was no time limit I would say that some pre training is a good idea. I spent several years as a CBT instructor and you would be surprised what you see. Be afraid. The driving regulations are being harmonised for Europe in 2013 so there will be a lot of pain for a lot of people then as most European countries have different laws. The problem is with the government and is two fold. 1) people attempting to justify their jobs so make up some story to keep them employed. There has never been consideration into the cause and effect but just a view which is steamrolled a think tank and then presented. A bit like the emperors new clothes. Because a lot of government employees don't want to rock the boat they jump on the bandwagon as it will harm their prospects. 2) the belief that it is down to emissions and not just another stealth tax. Government think we are all plebs and they know best. They forgot who appointed them. You have to remember that this is like no other job. There is no interview, best candidate etc it is about others putting them into power. You only have to look at the expenses saga to see how arrogant they are. The were saying how dare we, the taxpayer, ask them questions. The Government wastes Millions of Pounds each year. I know this through personal experience based on one small section of Central Government where I did some contract work. We, as bikers, will always be a minority and therefore can be targeted with little fear of a backlash. If you believe that emissions cause global warming and want to reduce emissions look to the largest manufacturing Countries out there. If you want to cut government motoring expenditure get rid of the road tax and put the tax on fuel. I would suggest that the cost of learning to ride is cheaper than learning to drive, however with Boroughs like Westminster wanting to charge for bike parking what chance has anyone got? During Maggies rein they were caught in the cash for votes row and some of the leaders should have been sent to jail. They had to personally pay back Millions. Just look at This here. Just as a last note, and slightly off the subject, a Government spokesperson stated in a paper the other day that 1 in 200 could die of swine flu. My other halfs son had a cough, we phoned the doctors they said don't come here go to the hospital. The hospital had set up a separate area which was full of people (so if you didn't have swine flu when you got there, you might catch it there) but you had to walk through the hospital to get there. They dished out tablets but they can't test as it needs a blood test and the tablets need to be taken within 48 hours I think. We called the doctors as he had no swine flu symptoms and went to the doctors. He has a chest infection. My point. Bad and misguided information being sent out by the Government. Bad organisation as to what to do. The cost of dishing out and reporting cases of swine flu which are wrong and will that spokesperson be sacked when it is proven that it is just another variation of the flu and the 1 in 200 dead is bo**ocks? Starting to rant now so better go.
  21. Have you seen the mileage? The last owner was Captin Kirk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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