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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. What part of Scotland are you in Blackhat?
  2. There was a sight of an orange ball over the UK today. So here is a poll. The question is; Has Spring sprung in the UK?
  3. Hi porky. Welcome to the forum. Lets hope you are like a pig in ...................................... well you know what I mean. A good selection of bikes there.
  4. If it needs gravity as well as the pump, have you considered using an enduro type fork mounted plastic tank for the 2 stroke?
  5. I can't answer the question but I do not think I have ever seen a custom 2 stroke trike. Good luck with it!
  6. Wanted ad 1 : Posts 1 I guess that is a score draw
  7. Hi Ozzie, welcome to the forum.
  8. The BSA looks great. Best wishes to Matt, get well soon.
  9. The tank cost £76 of the Queens paper money plus postage from Germany. It is difficult to estimate actual costs. So far, including the bike purchase, I have spent around £500. I would guess that I am looking to spend another £1500 but that will include new wheel rims and spokes, a little paint, bits and a bore/crank for a complete engine rebuild and some spares. I would guess to just get it road legal and running, it would cost around £500. The benefit you have is that there is an abundance of classic parts of all marques in the States and it seems easier buying from there if you are Canada based. It is often beneficial to but from there if you are in the UK. Just remember the import tax rules. Canada have a lot of parts too but the international postage is huge and therefore is not a cost effective option most of the time. I do have some bits coming from Canada, USA and some small pattern parts from Thailand at the moment.
  10. Thanks guys. He has been driving for about 7 years so has a fair bit of road experience. He will have to see how it goes as he is responsible for his own decisions. To be honest, if he enjoys it, I can see him getting a classic lambretta as he is into that kind of scene. Cheers Mike. The old ones are the best! Did she dip her headlights are the same time .
  11. I got a text from number 2 son earlier in the week. He said he was looking to do his CBT and get a 125 to commute on. He has had a full car licence for several years but he, and his other half, only have space for one car. He lives in Essex so I pointed him to a CBT centre near him. I thought he planned to take the CBT later in the Month and was still investigating the in's and out's however, he texted me a while ago and said that he had passed the CBT today. He is looking for a 125 supermoto, trials or TW type bike. To be honest I am proud he passed but am worried as a father. A little greedy of me really as I have got so much out of riding. I guess even with kids in their mid to late 20's there is still the "protective father" in me! It was quite a biking day as I cleaned the SV and lubed the chain. Used some SDoc100 cleaner (which came today) it was a free gift with a subscription to Bike magazine I got at Chrimbo. Recommended but then again I don't know what it costs to actually buy!! Anyway lets see how number 2 son gets on and hope he has more skill and less balls than I did at his age!! Well done Nick.
  12. Interesting this. I was going to have a go at it earlier today but didn't get time to increase Tesco's profits. I will get some in the week and see what it does. Cheers.
  13. Hi. A good mix of bikes there! Welcome to the forum.
  14. Always good to see another classic bike fan on the forum. Welcome.
  15. I would check your earth connections first.
  16. Cheers. Much appreciated. Cheers OG. It is the wrong part number. I am getting quite anal and sad focused on this project . I am transferring every part number into a database so I can check it quickly and from my phone. How sad is that??
  17. The shape is still there. I test fitted it in the earlier picture with the tank on. You know the one. The one with the rusty shite in it It all lines up. Do you want to have a word with him for me please to see if he is up for it? I can take some close up pics tomorrow to see show what it looks like if he is interested and I have some beer tokens in the bike fund . Cheers.
  18. Not sure if I understood that . Got some bits from Canada coming. Just a word of warning, if buying from Canada make sure you get AIR postage quoted. It takes Months and Months if stuff is sent surface mail (trust me I know this). Nothing exciting but it does include another oil pump, just in case. Comes with all the banjos etc for £7.50 so can't moan. I also have my eye or am bidding on a couple of other bits. Some used and some NOS. One NOS item is is missing from my bike so keeping a very close eye on it. I have found that the engine is the right one for the bike and I can't read very well . 14 difference between frame and engine.
  19. Very thin and pin holes at the neck from about 1 inch from the end. It has been patched at the first bend also. Typical 2 stroke problem The rest of it is great. So 4 options; Buy that new one off evilbay Look for one in better condition Get someone to fabricate a new neck Wrap exhaust bandage around the thin area It is very solid apart from the first part of the neck so I may use exhaust bandage while I keep my eyes open.
  20. Floats or main jet sticking. Fuel usage is greater than fuel getting into the carb. Carb cleaner and bowl off.
  21. I wish I was on 1%. £60,000 a day. I never looked at it like that.
  22. Oh dear, looks like I am in for some ribbing
  23. Come on guy's. Have a comment on the tank! I was well chuffed and no one else had noticed All the way from German evilbay.
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