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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. A bit too far for me to ride in a day but I am interested in what legislation they are pushing through. A link would be interesting, please.
  2. DirtyDT


    So why do we have to pay so much road tax?
  3. Bouncy and wide to accommodate a wide front wheel. It depends what bike you are wanting to supermoto really!
  4. No black stuff for me today but a happy paddy's day to all who like to celebrate it, and I have celebrated it on many occasions.
  5. Happy Paddy's day Pat. LINK If that clothing was compulsory I would give up biking. I would also keep away from schools.
  6. Dont forget coefficient friction.
  7. So just wear my rose coloured silk thong and let the wind do the rest?
  8. Or just cut that pair out and risk the paper cuts
  9. The slam is good. Pity he didn't follow up with the smash! I loved the bullys Michael Jackson walk at the end
  10. About 30 miles north of you in Loughborough, Leics.
  11. My SV (650 V twin) carb model does 61 to the gallon in "not hanging about" mode. How do I know? I use miles travelled divided by fuel to refill the tank. I know how it is ridden and the types of roads It is ridden on. My car does 38MPG for the same journeys. I know because the computer tells me. I guess I could get a better MPG out of the SV but it would not be as much fun.
  12. :lol: Not worried about tightarse, just sweaty arse. I will pop into Aldi tomorrow and have a look This is exactly what I am trying to avoid. I am looking for protection with breathing ability. I hate Betty's.
  13. Yep. Not what you want at any time but the summer heat chaps your chaps, chaps. I have normal jeans like that. Always feel as though you want to pull the waistband up but they are tight against you "difference" already. I have seen Hood jeans but they appear to just cut the legs to the length you want so the knees are still too low. I change at work but prefer fabric over leather. The Weise fabric stuff I have has been 100% waterproof, mind you so have the RST jeans. I have a really comfortable pair of Akito boots which leak but are comfy! I have spada gloves and have had their boots, rate both of them to be honest. Cheers guys but the money is still on the Weise Titans but still looking
  14. Hi all, My fabric trousers are about to fall apart. Not good for a pair that is less than a year old. But not to name the brand that has not survived the year (RST Rift - the seams have gone in several places - not recommended) I don't want leather but I do need a short leg so I have been looking at Weise Titans as I like the Weise quality of the stuff I have got. Before I buy a pair, are there any others with a short leg I could be looking? Alternatively, does anyone have any experience of Kevlar jeans? Ta
  15. Looks in better nick than my new project. Did someone leave their charm bracelet on the back wheel in the last picture?
  16. Ah. OK it is a little cold still! If you are near Epping in Essex get yourself to High Beach. It is where the local(ish) bikes congregate.
  17. Hi Chris. Welcome from another person in the Midlands.
  18. Every day without ice or snow is a beautiful day to ride. Just throw a thicker jumper on
  19. DirtyDT

    Module 2 test

    Well done Blanco.
  20. It is about the planning, not the cc. I have seen some Polish guys (ones that still live in Poland BTW) on 125 CZ's at racetracks in France. As previously advised, stay off the motorway. This will be difficult given that it screams motorways. I would plan for an average of 40mph and stop after 2 hours. Look at the A10 and A1 to get you into the midlands (depending on where in Kent you are).
  21. Very nice present. Shiny !!! Shame about the season ticket though............................. Come on you Irons.
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