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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Hi 2 wheels. I didn't have time to swerve. It came from a blind spot on my right and caught me straight on the forehead. The visor was £33.50 online with free P&P. Hi BWJ, I got a mouthful of dust. Sounds stupid but that was what happened! Lucky this was on the town ring road. Most of my commute (10 to 15 miles) is on single lane country road so I normally get a move on, on this part and I would have definitely been off. I used to have to keep a watch for deer where I used to live "dawn sarf". They used to wander around the roads and are big buggers. I did get overtaken by a tortoise on the inside of a bend once........................ only kidding. As long at the deep fried mars bars are still affordable, then there are no worries.
  2. It looks fabulous OG.
  3. http://www.ukmot.com/bike/1-6.asp You just need to put tape over the lens to stop the kick up and then look for a UK lens.
  4. Black insulating tape would get it through the MOT.
  5. Hi guys, Thanks for the mix of sensitive concern and p taking . I think it has given me a bit of concussion and feels like I have been punched in the head but I guess that I was lucky (if that is the right word) that it caught me right on the forehead and, although my visor was open, I had a pair of sun glasses on. Love my Oakley's. New visor ordered.
  6. I had a bit of an incident riding to work this morning. Accelerating out of a roundabout on the Nottingham ring road, a pigeon decides they want to fly out of a tree from the grass central reservation. We end up coming together at about 40 MPH as I give it a full on Glasgow kiss (now I know how JFK felt). I carried on riding the few more miles to work without stopping. On parking up I discover my helmet is a bit messy, my visor is snapped in two and I have a stiff neck & dull headache. It leaves me with 2 questions; 1) Has anyone successfully won a "no win, no fee" claim against a dead pigeon? 2) Why are visors so bloody expensive?
  7. Another option HERE Where's Postman Pat when you need him?
  8. E 22 05 marked for SALE in the UK. Normally stitched into the chin strap.
  9. There is a menu on the left. They are advertising a few, including Shoei but would you spend £500 on a helmet you may not be able to try on if you have never owned a Shoei?
  10. Needs a top box, mini LED indicators and some fake carbon fibre bits.
  11. This means that the first lid you try on, you would have to buy Never go there again and tell everyone that will listen, what happened. Funny that their web site says how great they are. Linky. I understand that all bike shops get wound up by people siting on bikes when the have no intention of buying and trying stuff on when they are just looking to see what size fits them before going online to order cheaper. (top tip there) but I try and balance my purchases from online and dealers. I brought some chain lube from my local Yami dealers today. Not the biggest sale but I want them to still be there when I need them. An expensive bad fitting lid is dangerous.
  12. Earth or regulator. The 5k revs is a very good test and the symptoms sound about right for the regulator. This is a common fault on a lot of bikes (check any SV650 website for regulator/rectifier problems) and a lot are interchangeable if you want to mess with wires. Basically the charging system "leaks" charge at revs so it runs the battery down until it is buggered. Do the tests and, if you are satisfied it is the Reg, there are new ones available like THIS
  13. They do say that an owner will start to look like their bike. Well they say that in MY world!
  14. Look at AGV helmets for that range. I like them. K4 or S4. Fitting is key so try some on first to get the right size - this is very important!!!!!!!! Never seen one with a miners lamp attached though
  15. Especially if you have a nut allergy.
  16. Too heavy. Look for a Hagon one.
  17. Come on Drewps, quirky is good! It doesn't always have to be beautiful, sleek and fast. Sometimes ugly is better.
  18. Because they are money grabbing barstewards! Very good write up by the way.
  19. Hi Paul, I am not a Paul but did spend about 20 years in Essex until I sold my white stilettos and escaped. I too had an ex wife who left me broke but now.................... well, actually not a lot has changed. Welcome
  20. Very nice but there are better options out there.
  21. Hi all, Got a text earlier from Swinton's. "My SV insurance is due for renewal in 30 day's". I am with Swinton for the SV and it is due to expire on 5 May. With a little time on my hands, a full hot cuppa to one side and a cold kebab left over from tea on my right, I balance the laptop to see what delights insurers can offer me for the SV. Off to Interweb land I go as I shovel a mouthful of cold onions and red cabbage into my rather expansive mouth. I log on to my regular comparison site. Well when I say "regular" it is the one I use if I am thinking about buying a bike and want to ball park the insurance liability. I rework my old quote as it has saved my details and I come across what could have been a major boo boo. Under "physical security" I have ticked I use an Oxford Hardcore chain. Now there is an element of truth in this as every night the SV is attached to it's ground anchor by the Oxford Hardcore. The problem is that I also use an Oxford Nemesis and only use the Nemesis when I go out or to work. So if the bike is stolen when I am out I will, potentially, not be covered. I obviously need to correct this on my quote for next year however, I can't find the Oxford Nemesis on the list of options. I change this to "None". The other thing that I need to tinker with on the quote are the modifications. I tick heated grips, engine crash bars (Crash bobbins are fitted) and exhaust. Two of the modifications should make no difference to the insurance. This leaves the exhaust. Now I do have a rather nice Scorpion Titanium Blue flame can fitted. Although this is quite expensive it is cheaper than the Suzuki original from the main stealer. It does give a little more power. Anyway with all this done I push the button to make me happy - Well not make me happy, as that is the strap line for a different insurance company - but to disclose the prices. While the quotes are being generated I finish off the kebab that I have been devouring and pick the bits that have dropped from the keyboard. Because of the modifications the number of quotes is really small and a lot come back that they can't quote for modifications. Ironically this includes Swintons who are presently insuring my SV with all the modifications disclosed. At this point I enter cynical mode and think about the people who will get insurance then call the company for the mods to go on to be charged a very nice admin fee for no additional risk. I decide to play so I go for another quote with no modifications just to see what the difference is. I get a much better quantity of quotes who have electronically decided that because I do not have any bike modifications I must be a better person and am no longer an Axe murderer (if only they knew). What is apparent is that it makes no difference how many quotes you get back, it is about the cost and policy conditions. What have I learned from all this? Check all the details you are entering so give yourself time to get a quote. Make sure you have all the relevant information to hand. Altering insurance details after you are insured leaves you open to being charged £35 for an amendment. Having heated grips makes you an axe murderer. Most importantly, don't eat a kebab when using a laptop. Anyway how much do they want? Without going into the full picture the basic risk is based on a SV650 '02 worth about £1700 to an old bloke in Leicestershire, no claims or convictions, has NCB, parks on his drive and has no locks but has an alarm. 10k miles a year, can carry a pillion, SD&P + commuting, no voluntary excess, fully comprehensive cover. With modifications - Cheapest quote is £105 No modifications - Cheapest quote is £86 To all the forum younger readers, both quotes are annual amounts, not Monthly payments I hope you enjoyed my story.
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