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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Usually when you fit new pads you need to push the pistons back into the caliper a little due to the new pads not being worn. This said, it is surprising that the new pads fitted easily. It does sound like a fluid issue. You will need to bleed the brake to get any air out and get the pads close to the disk. not too hard to do mut you will need a bleed hose (a plastic pipe), a container for the old fluid, a spanner for the bleed nipple and some brake fluid. You may need a screwdriver if the rear brake fluid reservoir has a cap that has a screw down fitting. Be careful not to put too much pressure on the bleed nipple as they can shear off and make sure you have the correct brake fluid (DOT rating). Loosen the nipple, fit the bleed hose, open the fluid reservoir, fill with fluid, open the nipple, push down the brake pedal and tighten the nipple with the pedal still down. Do this a few times keeping an eye on the fluid reservoir and topping up when necessary. The brake should start to get some bite and when it does give the pedal a couple of pumps with the nipple closed. Tighten the nipple up properly, check the reservoir is full to the top line and replace the reservoir cap. Test the brake. If is is fine then the brakes are done and you then need to check that the brake light switch is turning on at the correctly and adjust is necessarily.
  2. Maybe a good option for a custom build but not a lot of space saving on my standard battery size and twice the price. I think I would rather go for a decent number 2 to save the weight. They do look funky though!
  3. One down, a hundred million to go.
  4. Sad day for boxing fans. Clay certainly remembered his "hammer".
  5. I really enjoyed it, although I didn't intend to watch it. Should I get a Kate & Wills tea mug form evilbay?
  6. I hope it stays dry for you. Just watch the brakes as it should go better than it stops. Makes for an interesting ride. Good luck.
  7. Collectible but I hope you have deep pockets if things go wrong. Linky 1 Linky 2 Linky 3 Lots of info
  8. None in mine Lots of their own brand (powercraft) air tools and compressors though. And I made a special trip.
  9. I used to do CBT instructing and we used to take the learners to High Beech for the "long runout". A great place to go and get a cuppa (if the hut is still there?).
  10. I live in the Midlands but North London born, many years in East London and Romford and lived By the Jacks Hatch area of Harlow for nearly 20 years so my ride to work (mostly in London) was through the forest. My 2 sons still live in Harlow and most of my family live in Essex/North London.
  11. I thought I would see a little of High Beech or Old Orleans roundabout but very arty Your arms will hurt if you come off though!
  12. What he did wrong was to fall off Classic highside, rear lets go, catches again, the bike try's to straighten itself and kicks the rider off. He must be pretty close to the edge of the tyre at that angle and he should be hanging more off the bike, not just trying to be at the same angle. Depending how close to the rear tyre edge he has got, the rear tyre may still have virgin edges where release agent still lurks (chicken strips) and this is still slippy...........................until it catches again I cant get the you tube vid to show even with Raw linebreak mode on
  13. I heard it is so big it has it's own postcode
  14. Welcome. I think we have already met
  15. I think I was married to her once Sorry Scot's folk!
  16. Sounds like the throttle cable or carb throttle valve (slide) sticking. Check for play in the grip when this happens by gently twisting the throttle on and off to see it there is more cable slack (before anything happens). If so the slider is not returning to its tickover position. Check that the cable hasn't snagged, worn or been squashed. Check that the choke is turning on and off properly. Check the tickover screw is set OK and it is not just running better after a run as the plug is clean and you have adjusted the tickover because it seemed slow at start up. This should be self evident if the idle is OK with the choke off and this happens after a longer run. I would say cable and or carb slider myself.
  17. Be careful where you park it. You may come back to the bike to find a family have moved in to the topbox.
  18. DirtyDT

    Got new tyres

    Cheers Cynic. I have done 60 miles on them now and already getting close to the edges. Very sticky and I can't see them lasting. The tread pattern is good so I will see what joys the wet roads bring . There is a big following for the Avon Storm Ultra's on the Sv's but I wanted stickier without the fun of pulling the bike out of a hedge.
  19. Hi and welcome Kenny. Another Scot on the forum eh. I am just glad an Englishman invented the TV!
  20. .... . .-.. .-.. --- / .- -. -.. / .-- . .-.. -.-. --- -- .
  21. Hi Georgi and welcome.
  22. I claim the free sarnie, please. Oh dear (or should that be OG), it was a jolly spiffing good read and now I am off for lashings of ginger beer and a sticky bun.
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