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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. 2 hours, Bloody hell! it is 50 miles!! Are we walking it Multimap says 1 hour 5 minutes. It is a pretty quick road, I went over to Lincoln a couple of months ago to look at a XT500. I think there are some road works but meet at 8:15, intros, fag and then head off sounds great. BWJ! I will tell you that you defiantly, no, most defiantly do not want to see my man boobs. Even I don't want to see them I do have a nice camera so I will get some pic's on the day. Should I wear my Mankini?
  2. Down to you really. How long do you think it will take you as I will be on a bigger bike and will be able to keep up. I am happy to ride at cruise speed or faster if you want. Providing they are still serving greasy food when we turn up, I am easy
  3. Hi and welcome. Watch out for some of those members who have asked for photos. They may be after a glimpse of you in your uniform :lol:
  4. I'm in So Sunday 12th in the services on the A6 and A46 junction. I will be on a bright yellow Suzi SV. Down the A46 and turn right on to the A57 and we should be there. What time do you want to meet? Anyone else fancy it?
  5. How many bikes to make a cruise? I did look at possibly going and am in Loughborough but my Mum always says "Stranger danger" and be careful of internet groomers. How do I know you aren't some fat old bald bloke? Oh no, don't worry, I'm the fat old bald bloke
  6. DirtyDT

    lock and chain

    No comments on the usage, rights and laws of the land however, if you need a recommendation for motorcycle security chains then; Protector 19mm chain with Squire SS65CS Padlock Linky
  7. Second left 2 wheels I will look better after the next operation when they remove........................ oh too much information.
  8. DirtyDT


    I have just put Vipers on my SV. Sport on the back and Supersport on the front. One little rear slide in the wet but I was cranked over on a roundabout and didn't have many miles on them. I like them but be aware that the carcass is very rigid and they do give a harsher ride when compared to Sporttecs I had on it. I would get them again based on about 500 miles of riding on mainly fast country roads and duel carriageways (wet and dry).
  9. Did you move to the twilight zone? Sounds like a short in the ignition
  10. Wow BWJ. We could be twins!
  11. We have a "Blokes" thread and a "word association" thread so what about a swimming costume thread? Here is me (errrrrr or someone who looks quite like me) in mine. Where is yours?
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum. Take care when you move up to the 125 but extra power is always good
  13. If it has not been taxed or SORN'ed since SORN began on 31st Jan 1998 then you don't need to do anything. If it has been taxed or SORN'ed since then you must either; 1) Make sure it is SORN'ed every year or 2) Have insurance for it. I emailed MIB (Motor Insurers' Bureau) yesterday as they were showing misleading information on some of their pages. I have not had a reply and the information is still misleading. It also makes no mention of the pre-sorn condition. Hardly surprising seeing that they represent insurers. The page I complained about is here LINKY Please feel free to also tell them that they are misleading Joe Public if you so desire. More info regarding exceptions LINKY
  14. DirtyDT

    Random thread

    I thought a "stonner" was an attractive lady! It looks like a giant battered sausage to me - Fnarr! I think I will stick to traditional kebabs. My national dish.
  15. DirtyDT


    Try here LINKY
  16. I think you need to be a paid member. Have a look at the sticky on the wanted page. Hi and welcome anyway.
  17. Should this picture be in the "Blokes" thread Drewps? Does the frame fancy going for a drink one night
  18. 20th June, apparently, Lads and Lasses!
  19. I thought the Government ran out of money in 1990! I did follow the link and, for anyone interested, it allows you to comment under the heading "Got any student tips". I was going to offer that they should wash more often and stop rioting however, I felt that most of them would not be able to read this on their own so it would be a waste of my education.
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