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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Why is that? Ages range from young to old. Bikes range from old 2 strokes through L platers to modern 4 pot bikes. If the Rd and TS blow up the FZ will be making the trip. Weights range from skinny to er, well, er....... Enough said there. Heights range from short, via me at the UK average height of nearly 4 feet 6 and a half inches to giants. Genders include the main 2 plus the jury is still out on a couple of attendees We are a mixed bunch really.
  2. Sorry Slice I think I accidentally removed your post. I copied some of your text and stupidly forgot to start a new post so it removed yours. Sorry!! This won't make any sense now! OOOHH look at the pretty kitten!
  3. ...... But there is nothing as cute as a tiny kitten........ Ahhhh!
  4. I can't do it from my phone but if it isn't done later I will correct it when I get home. Edit..... Just found I can straight from tapatalk. DT - please let me know if that change is OK!
  5. A couple of us will be riding classic 2 strokes of the late '70's and '80's and Andrew will be on a 125 (?)
  6. Its going to create some issues I fear. Not being able to transfer the tax means that the new owner will need to tax the vehicle immediately - I don't know if that means that you will have to wait for the V5 in your name; or for the previous owner to cancel their tax; or double tax the vehicle if you can; or some of those; or neither?? As part of the current SORN, I believe, you need to actually return the tax disc if there is still some time to run on it. This would happen in instances where you don't want to have insurance on the vehicle. So I am not sure if you can actually buy a vehicle and SORN it if the previous owner has not returned their tax. Kerching!
  7. It is a very easy job. Just be careful to disconnect the negative side first so if you accidentally touch the frame when undoing the positive side with the spanner it won't short anything. Battery's last a couple of years and many people find that the first really cold night of winter kills them if they are much older than that. There are lots of types so do a little research. I prefer AGM or gel batteries - maintenance free once fitted.
  8. Hi and welcome to the forum. I have always found that if I practice my biking manoeuvres with the iron first it made me a better rider - I think I made that up to be honest. Nothing wrong with L plates except the fact that they stop you riding bigger bikes. Enjoy!
  9. I don't know but I hope the fitting instructions are in better English than the description. Worth a gamble for the money.
  10. Got to agree, You need a rack
  11. 12 noon suits me. With fuel etc it will be about 4 hours I would guess. Any time suits me but it is good to get some chat in on the Friday evening.
  12. I hear the hotel does a decent lobster thermidor starter with a thick char grilled ribeye steak to follow! I might skip desert but I guess it depends on the cheese board. A nice, strong coffee, taken on the veranda, to finish off I think!
  13. Jason, Andrew, Finners and anyone else going and meeting in the midlands to ride up. Do you fancy meeting at McDonald's (55A Radcliffe Rd West Bridgford Nottingham NG2 5FX) and travelling up the A60, A631, A614, A1041, A63, A162 route? About 90 miles and about 3 hours ride from there plus stop(s). It means Finners can come across from Derby and we can head north. Any thoughts?
  14. Tyre condition and pressure. Battery fluid level and condition.
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