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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. I am a few miles down the road to you.
  2. I am going to get abused by posting this but redex may help. Personally I would not use it, especially on a high mileage bike, Halford should sell it and you pour it in the fuel tank. I will not be responsible for any damage but it will "have a clear out" of gunk in the carbs and cylinders. It makes the bike smoke like a 2 stroke but that clears when the stuff has burnt out. As I said, I will expect to get abused for even suggesting it. The Americans have a similar thing called seafoam which is supposed to be great but I have never seen it here (UK).
  3. I have some BBQ ribs in the fridge. They are beef!!!! I can't remember ever seeing beef ones and I am sure all the rest I have ever brought have been pork.
  4. Hi and welcome. Lots of stroker experts here.
  5. Hi and welcome Adam. These people may be of interest LINKY
  6. I wouldn't have bothered either. £15!!!!!!! Are they still using film and developer?
  7. DirtyDT


    I was going to change my post as I thought it could be perceived as a bit harsh. I won't now! They sent me a chain that was too short, a silencer that leaked gases out of the rivets and I ordered a lid form them. They had it, they didn't, then they found it, then it was out of stock so I never got it. These were 3 different orders so I just can't be ar5ed with them. I hope no one was hurt though it looks like a scary fire.
  8. Hi and welcome to the forum from the UK.
  9. Gummed up jets in the carbs. You are getting a lot closer.
  10. DirtyDT


    I won't loose any sleep over it. Messed up orders of mine 3 times so I don't use them any more. I was nowhere near there when the fire started, honest!
  11. DirtyDT

    My moto build

    The link doesn't work Buzzer. Do you live in Melton?
  12. I will make sure you get the first round in. Thanks for the heads up On a positive note I gave the bike it's big 15k service (14.3k on the speedo). The tappet gaps are fine. The plugs were a nice light brown with a slightly bigger gap. It had a nice glug of Rock Oil Guardian semi synthetic. I also fitted the German evilbay speedo rotor (as the speedo stopped working - common on SV's) and this now works. It even got a wash. Now just need to sort out the luggage and a bent ally bar though the number plate fitting with the indicators would do that and allow some humpbacks to fit.
  13. I sounds like a great trip . I would be worried about whitefinger on a big single over a lot of miles. I did similar miles on a KLE500 and, although the seat was painful at times, because it was a twin (detuned GPZ engine), it was a great experience.
  14. I would check all of the wiring, in sections. Get hold of a multimeter - screwfix do them cheap - and test the starter circuit for continuity. So the low power stuff, from the ignition switch to to the start button and to the relay. Then the high power stuff from the batter to the relay to the starter motor. Because of how a bikes wiring is routed, problems often occur around the steering yoke area and can be intermittent depending on the position of the bars, on full lock for example. Also check and clean the powered (+ve) part of the circuit. Check, and clean, all of the block and bullet connectors. Sounds like one of two things; a bad earth or something is earthing out or; a bad connection on the live side. Both commonly generate a lot of heat. Starter circuit shorting can cause fires.
  15. I don't like the Renntec's BWJ. I had one on my GSXR and it was megga pants. For the extra £30 I would go Givi TBH. I too have ridden many miles and trips across Europe - including Geneva - on many bikes. My problem is that even on all out sports bikes I have managed to squeeze a set of panniers on it. With this bike I can't. I am not in the least worried I was just posting about my frustration.
  16. Leave the plugs out overnight if there is no risk of water getting in. If easy start into the airbox didn't do much then a weak spark would be next (I hope when you easy started you took the air filter out). Follow the wires back to the CDI to make sure that the wiring is OK and not damaged, earthing out or badly connected. Then I would be looking for new coils.
  17. Thanks for the offer NEV and if you were still in Derby I would pop up to discuss it. The racks are just under £100 and the box would be the other £100. the box would just go into storage for 51 weeks of the year. I could make the brackets out of the straight ally strip and then put a tube in place of the bent bracket. There is plenty of cheap ally on evilbay including ally tubing. I will have to look tomorrow. If not it is debit card time. I don't want to carry too much but I need enough space to get my dinner suits in without creasing them .
  18. It unlocks with the key very easily. Suzuki make replacement rear seats with a place to mount a topbox. People also just bolt Givi racks to a standard one and than fit the box to that. The thing I want to get over is having to hop one footed between the tank and what is on the back seat so ideally want to go the pannier route. I could just get a Givi rack and box as the box would be far enough back to allow me to throw my leg over as normal. I don't really want to spend £200.
  19. Its the height on the back that I don't really want. When I brought the bike it must have had a Givi rack as the rear fittings that fit onto the subframe are still there. If I get a chance tomorrow, I will have a measure up but I was thinking of knocking up something like this to move the indicators back. and fit it to the bike by using the rack fitting and the indicator fitting hole as the indicators will be on the end of the stalk. There are some ally bars on evilbay that would suffice. I know I will have to extend the wires. This means that I can throw panniers over and tie them down. Here is the Givi mounting
  20. I have seen 3 people and a live sheep on a C50 in North Africa. Only a one way ride for the sheep though. I do like the Tuk-tuk that is to his right.
  21. I can't find any panniers small enough not to foul the indicators or to have me sitting on them. I don't want to get a rack as It isn't really cost effective, I don't like big tankbags unless I am away for a long while (I have a Bagster cover fitted) and tail packs/bags make it really difficult to hop on the bike as the rear seat is stepped up a lot. I have been looking for options for weeks and it is getting to me . Should I get a National Express coach there? The last bit was a joke by the way. Picture of the dilemma.
  22. Just seen the first advert on the TV for this.
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