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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. DirtyDT

    New Horse "

    It looks in good nick but a little too LTD450 looking for me. Sorry mate!
  2. Sounds like a carb, choke or throttle cable problem. Check the cable isnt pinching and is routed correctly and that the carb is operating correctly. Check the choke is also working correctly..
  3. True.......................................................
  4. Put it on ebay for 99p, no reserve. Whatever it sells for is what it is worth. I will give you £1 for it if you can delliver it for free.
  5. 23mph in fifth at idle!..................................I didn't know they fitted them with cruiser control Have you tried just turning the idle down?
  6. That tyre has more tread than the tread on new tyres I buy!
  7. The only problems are everything gets filthy and going off line is interesting!!
  8. Yes it is still a bit chilly, yes the roads have a covering of muck but what a fabulous day for getting the cobwebs blown off the bike. Much better than the beginning of the week when there was still ice around. 21 miles commute to work = 30 minutes. Half term helped!! Bring on the summer
  9. Stilly cold and wet........come on summer. Where are you!!!

  10. Ghostbikes have 10% off everything. Free delivery if you spend £25 or over. Enter EMAILFEB at checkout
  11. DirtyDT

    Whitney Houston

    I was watching the news yesterday about her. When did she become an icon? I could only name one song that she did and that was written and sung better by Dolly Parton!!
  12. DirtyDT

    I Think !

    How about a long weekend/week (ish) ride stopping at varius places along the way. I could'nt warrant 3 weeks. I normally work for myself and have family commitments. I do miss the weeks away on the bike though. My suggestion would be a visit to the 24 hours endurance at Le mans - Great roads, not too far, european riding for those who haven't done that yet, free camping, 24 hours of bike racing (+ loads of other things). Quite cheap. petrol, food/drink, cheap ferry and if people share circuit tickets not much to get in. I didn't bother buying a ticket the last few times I have been there and just borrowed a ticket for a wander inside the circuit every now and again. It is a great atmosphere and much cheaper than the TT. haven't been for a while but you could also have fires, they even supplied the firewood!!!
  13. Going back to your original post, I wonder if someone had "had a go" at the wiring in an earlier attempt to steal it and this caused the lights to flicker. Possibly came back and finished the job. Look luck in looking for your new steed.
  14. Hi Jammy Yammy, Tis the newbies section. The confusion is with the "newbies" part of my signature. I will change it as you are not the first to think is is part of my post. Apologies.. Blackhat - Too much work mate. It is not the TS, at the moment, just inspiration
  15. Create a seperate earth from the negative on the battery to a mounting bolt on the engine and feed it so it passes past anything you need earthing. Then just feed off of it where you need an earth.
  16. No sure about the steering lock but there are some on German ebay at the moment. There are also a pair of carbs on there at mega cheap money LINKY
  17. Belated best regards Jason. Happy Birthday.
  18. They say Monday should be riding weather.

  19. About 8k to 9k on the bike, and about the same in the car.
  20. Hope you are feeling better. I had to go to hospital today........................................mind you I do work there!! Love the pants on the radiator by the way
  21. Unfortunatly I don't have the cahoonas. I have a shed and half a house full of bikes and parts as well as the guitars so with the shed being full I would have no where to sleep should another guitar arrive. Not that I am scared or anything..............................
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