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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Tis the small print. T Mobile have just upped there's as well..............and I have 4 phones on contract. I like a bit of Tom too.
  2. Not bottom end rumbles again. It reminds me of Squires. Great story mate. In '76 I was riding about on a TS90, soon after changed to a GT250 Ramair. Oh happy day's!!!
  3. It says on the flyer "4 strokes welcome"......................that's good. A bit worried about the Saturday evening disco! What with Airheads arthritic hip and kevs moral standards.
  4. I am guessing someone put a window in on your car Kev? Forget the finger, go for the scrotes. It stops them breading.
  5. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  6. Divvicol........................... not a good idea. Lets hope it stays dry for you.
  7. The relay should look like this LINKY I would guess that someone put 2 in because they couldn't get left and right to blink separately.
  8. Well sh1T in my hat and thump it. That is one serious name! Welcome to the forum. Fabulous bike and looks in great condition.
  9. £600...........................bargain.
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  11. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  12. DirtyDT


    At the very least buy a cover for it. Get one with chain loops in so it is held in place.
  13. Not knowing the details of the accident it would be difficult to give an objective opinion. Based on a minimal set of facts, my opinion is that it does not matter if the bike was geared or not; I doubt your friend would not have changed gear before going on the road and: People need to to be accountable for their own actions. Accidents do happen. I taught CBT as a volunteer instructor for many years. I was not paid for it and did my best to make sure people were ready to go on the road. All you can do is judge the riders ability prior to road riding. Once out on the road it is down to the rider to ride safely. An instructor will often put themselves in vulnerable positions to "protect" the learner but can not control their bike. There are loads of people riding around today with a CDT certificate signed by me. Without instructors there would be no one learning to ride. Sorry about your friends major accident but there are too many "no win no fee" people in the world today that cost the rest of us money.
  14. You actually listened to it Sacha? I tried the same but it wouldn't let me do it, even if I deleted the history and cookies.
  15. Start a new thread with all of your queations at the following link. http://yamahaclub.co...kessportsbikes/ top right of the page click "start new topic"
  16. Hi and welcome to the forum Joe. Whereabouts is Just north of London?
  17. I'm a wasted rock ranger, I live a life of danger.....

  18. DirtyDT

    Sad News

    My deepest condolences.
  19. I'ma wasted rock ranger, Ilive a life of danger....

  20. Hardly the best way of introducing yourself Craig!
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