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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Doesn't fit wanted or for sale sections. No use to me but I was in Market Harborough the other week picking up a guitar amp.
  2. What Slice said plus road markings get slippy. Use the rear brake more, it isn't as effective as the front but it's easier to correct if you lock the brakes up. Gear wise, you will waste a fortune on cheap gear over the years. Make sure you have winter gloves and try and get goretex stuff. Add it to your Christmas and birthday lists. It is expensive but so much better in the rain. Heated grips help but not enough. Unless you ride in welly boots, carry a pair of socks in case your riding ones get wet.
  3. What Slice and Meatloaf said. Don't throw the old one though.
  4. Needle for around three quarters throttle and main for the bit after that. Are they genuine jets or cheap fleabay ones? Is the needle set on the right height setting? Why are you using a smaller jet and is this the main, pilot or both
  5. When you went to start it was the engine turning over or was it just clicking? Clicking - with no engine spin would lead me to say the battery, start relay or starter need to be looked at and usually it is a connection that needs cleaning. Engine spinning but not picking up would lead me to say fuel. Possibly a blocked breather. If you opened the fuel cap and heard a vacuum suck noise then that would be it. Check the fuel breather for a blockage. You can try to open the fuel cap and start the bike remembering to close the cap before you ride.
  6. I wouldn't use redex. It will clear any build up in the cylinders and could lower the compression if they are worn.
  7. Not really. Preloads method will work but may leave air in the caliper. This could be OK and you could try and use the gravity method to get the air out - just leave the top off the master cylinder and wedge the pedal down and the air often comes to the surface but can take a few days. I would mole grip the nipple or drill and use a bolt extractor on it.
  8. Oldtimer - "OK Murph, to do the robotic dance properly you need to move your arms stiffly into this position and then twist from the waist.." Murph - "Cheers OT, er.... I just have to pop over to my bike as I think I left the, er, er, lights on...." Oldtimer - "OK DirtyDT, to do the robotic dance properly you need to move your arms stiffly into this position and then twist from the waist.." DirtyDT - "Cheers OT, er.... I just have to pop over to my bike as I think I left the, er, er, lights on...."
  9. Deluxe; that is such a great 1970's/80's word.
  10. I think think the one you have is the Australian model.................................................just look at the marque name on the crankcase cover in the picture
  11. True but if you believe half the things on the tinterweb, most people spend their lives fighting some injustice from the Government or big Corps!
  12. Looks goods. No manual download links please
  13. I got a letter from the DVLA today about this. It has the word "apologise" in it and they say they have amended their records to show the SORN had been valid until I taxed it. Credit where it's due, good work from the DVLA!
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum. Get a thread started in the workshop section - it could be interesting.
  15. Best to say a hello in the newbies section. People tend to reply with more help. If you run a stroker without an air filter for any period of time it will melt something and will increase your woes expediently.
  16. This is not the workshop section! Its an earth problem.
  17. Broken down - one broken earth wire will cause this. What it is about View over some seating with Oldtimer busting some of his robotic moves in the right foreground. And the rest. Smell and noise as normal - you can see the 2 stroke in the air.
  18. The recovery guy showed up, We agreed it was electrical. I borrowed a couple of tools and in a couple of minutes, the bike was fixed and running. Another bad bodge by the previous owner. I thought better of continuing and didn't want to worry my better half much more so I rode the bike home. It rode really well. I will be up tomorrow morning , curry on Saturday night and staying somewhere - I need to look for another hotel now but I will go to the cancelled one if that's all that is around. Then I can ride back on Sunday. Bringing the FZ.
  19. Despite the electrical problem it has been a good day so far. Things happen for a reason so squires today was not meant to be. Looking forward to meeting up with you and the rest tomorrow on the " batman" bike.
  20. I am near the A1 in Linconshire. It's just electrics and I think that it is the cable under the battery box. I changed the cable but I just have a feeling it is that and a bullet connector may have come loose. I got the other half to cancel the hotel so that saved me a few quid. Plan A at the moment is to get home - recovery are saying before 5:30 now, have a nice evening in with a piece of steak and some salad for tea while watching some TV with the lovely one. Jump on the FZ tomorrow morning and pop up for a few hours.
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