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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. DirtyDT


    Very eloquently put.
  2. Might be worth a read and a visit around this forum LINKY
  3. If it was a TS90, that was the same as my first bike.
  4. It was a restaurant, not a massage parlor Kev! The food and toilets have not improved at Squires though.
  5. I like pancakes! Dirty Halloween DT (blame my Dad)
  6. Great pics Blackhat. I can see how I keep being mistaken for Johnny Depp now!
  7. +1 Big one say standard jetting but experiment. Never liked the tail pieces, they all seem to leak around the rivets.
  8. Scary pictures Al. For those who don't know. Around the table Left to right: DirtyDT, up.yours, Cynic, Blackhat (red top) and Airhead. Me obviously telling one of my famous cracking jokes. Fab looking TS in the second picture.
  9. Great stuff Marcus! Very rewarding job to do. I used to do a similar thing in the UK a good few years ago.
  10. It may be a blind thread in the rotor. Lock the front sprocket in gear and if there are a couple of smallish round holes in it it may just unscrew.
  11. Can you click the "Gallery" tab at the top of the page? On the right hand side is there an "upload" button? I am not sure if this is unlocked for certain levels of membership.
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum. There are lots of DT owners on here so you are in good company. A lot of the UK 2 stroke fans were at a rally over the weekend so sit tight as they start to appear and help will start to flow.
  13. I booked today and Tuesday, just to make sure. Great to meet the regular faces and Paul Oldtimer for the first time too. Hopefully Blackhat will get the group photo up soon.
  14. Hi and welcome to the forum.
  15. Quality mate! 12 months to get it built.
  16. I refer you to the answer in exactly the same post you posted in another part of the forum.
  17. A picture and the first part of the frame number would help.
  18. I left with the choke on and the intention to ride home like that. I only lasted a mile and i switched it off. I could run a hotter plug but I will examine the carb first. The carb did seem to clear for short distances on the way home and it ran fine, albeigt only for short distances. I need to rebuild the origninal engine first. Signs to where? You do know there is a Bolton in Connecticut! A race now between Kev and John. Who gets home last.
  19. Get well soon Kishan.
  20. Yep mate, thanks. 2 petrol stops though!! The carb cleared for 2 short periods on the ride home and the bike went, and sounded, fantastic. Only lasted for a couple of miles. Got in before midday, coffee, fuel and ciggie stop and then a splash and dash fuel stop. Good bikes those Suzukis
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