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Everything posted by DirtyDT

  1. Did you get new bearings when you had the wheels respoked Cynic?
  2. It that the one we took a picture of you wearing?
  3. One careful owner, never been dropped.
  4. Should I be pedantic and say that a tomato is a fruit too....................................na, I will leave that. The other DT is right about the small type fairings. They can act like a scary sail in crosswinds.
  5. Well done Bippo. You will make a lot of full license holders bow their heads in shame. A couple of things; I don't think Glossop is Northern, the Midlands really. I am a Londoner who now lives in the Midlands What was in your lunch box?
  6. You can't have that much bad luck in one year.................................................can you?
  7. Who is that Johny Depp look alike messing with my bike? I didn't think the TDR could keep up so we left separately. I didn't want to ride all the way home in second gear. No oil issues. That was the only thing that was working! It was only 90 miles home so no worries.
  8. It just isn't good enough. Obviously all the good people on here still do not have enough knowledge and time to answer all of the help posts. Because of this I think we all need to change. Welcome to the new way of dealing with help posts . . . . . . .
  9. Are you sure the studs aren't barrel to head and exhaust? Fitting holes for the cranks are clearly shown here
  10. I have rarely had any issues buying from the US, providing you understand the customs charges. If it gets through without them, then that is an extra bonus.
  11. Gunk to clean it. Use wet and dry paper 320/400 with some washing up liquid in the water. Dry, Tack cloth and spray. It is a lot easiler than it looks to get a good finish if you take your time.
  12. Why? Why by a YBR to offroad it? Sell it and buy an XT.
  13. I rub down and wipe with a tack cloth. Paints are always a difficult choice. At the moment I am leaning to VHT brand so VHT case paint and VHT barrel paint. All the work is in the prep.
  14. Cheers Drewpy. I will probably fit a Yuniparts DT one just to be sure.
  15. Some features need to have paid membership. Dependent on the level of membership, this gives you additional features including uploading photos, posting in the items for sale or wanted areas and a access to areas of the forum that cannot be seen by non paying members including a discount area and a private members chat area. Very reasonably priced too (I mean cheap). Click the link if you would like to find out more LINKY
  16. Great news Jayda. Just in time for the winter too!
  17. Saw the change mate. Thought about turning the battery around and if I can't find a gel/MS/AGM one I may do that. I can re-route the breather easily enough. Just took the battery out as it had no charge. It was a cheap one anyway and I may have already killed it due to this issue so I thought I would ask and buy one of those. They seem to be available in Oz and there are lots of manufacturers in china who make them but they don't seem to be imported here. I am trickle charging the battery now. Tinkering with the new carb jets at the same time
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